Military Orders

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Military Orders

Military orders to demolish 72 commercial shops and houses in East Barta’a

  The village of Barta'a is located to the north of Jenin district in the West Bank. After the war that broke out between the Arab countries and the Jews

Military Orders

Israel intends to demolish the Orthodox housing Complex in Beit Sahour

Beit Sahour is a Palestinian city located 6 km to the east of Bethlehem City with a total population of 11,000 inhabitants. The population consists of Christians and Moslems, living

Military Orders

Israeli Military Order Seizes 10-dunums of land from Al-Bireh town …

The Israeli army Commander in the West Bank , Isaac Etan, ordered the seizure of a 10-dunums piece of  land located alongside a peripheral road to the north east of

Military Orders

How Palestinians Pay The Price Of Israel’s Internal Power Politics

  Under the pretext of securing the Jewish settlements inside the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Israel is continuing its violation of all signed agreements. The interim agreement, article1, item

Military Orders

A New Military Order To Seize 300 Dunums of Al-Khader Village

  Al-Khader is a Palestinian village located 5 km to the south of Bethlehem City, populated with more than 6809 inhabitants. The total agricultural area of Al-Khader is 10,000 dunums

Military Orders

Four Houses Threatened with Demolition in An Nu’man Village in Bethlehem District

    The District of Bethlehem is located in the southern part of the West Bank, south of Jerusalem. It has an area of approximately 600 square kilometers. In 1997

Military Orders

Twenty Three Houses Threatened With Demolition in Hebron District

    The Hebron District is located in the southernmost portion  of the West Bank, 36 km south of Jerusalem City. The 1997 population census data  estimated the total population

Military Orders

Stop-work Order for a House in Al Rafa’iyya village in Hebron Governorate

    The Israeli Occupation Authorities issued a stop-work order against a house in Al Rafa'iyya, eastern Yatta, and confiscated tools from the construction site. Mohammad Amr, the owner, stated

Military Orders

Sharon Intensifies Colonization Activities in the West Bank
“New Military orders for constructing the Segregation Wall around Ma’ale Adumim settlement Bloc”

  Introduction The Ma'ale Adumim settlement bloc is the largest settlement bloc established in the Occupied Palestinian Territory with a population of around 33,000 settlers and occupies more than 22,000

Military Orders

Israeli Military Orders in the Wake of Sharm El-Sheikh Memorandum

  On the 15th of May 1999, 16 Israeli military orders  were approved by the Israeli military command sealing off large areas of land  in the West Bank as closed

Military Orders

The Occupation Notifies Residential and Agricultural facilities in Ras Al-Auja

    Violation: Removal notice for residential and agricultural facilities. Location: Ras Al-Auja area / Jericho governorate. Date: May 18th 2020. Perpetrators: The Israeli Occupation Civil Administration. Victims: Citizen Jamal