Israel resumes Wall constructions at Bethlehem Northern Entrance.
Since 2002, it has been a high priority for the Israeli Government to build the Segregation Wall in the West ...
Since 2002, it has been a high priority for the Israeli Government to build the Segregation Wall in the West ...
Location of Biddu village:- Biddu village lies 9 km. northwestof Jerusalem city. Its topographic relief is mountainous and reaches up ...
محافظة بيت لحم خلال عقود الاحتلال الإسرائيلي مقدمة: بيت لحم , مدينة فلسطينية عريقة ذات أهمية ...
On April 4, 2005, it was published in Haaretz daily newspaper that Israel has decided to transfer garbage beyond the ...
Israeli occupying forces began to construct additional sections of the Segregation Wall in East Jerusalem last week. The new construction ...
Last week, Israeli occupying forces began to clear land and construct sections of the Segregation Wall in the village ...
The Israeli occupation authorities continue the construction processes of the Apartheid Segregation Wall in Hebron district despite the Palestinian ...
On February 12th, 2005, the Israeli army circulated a military decree seizing Palestinian lands in the village of Izzariya ...
Location and population Deir Istiya village is located 8 km to the northwest of Salfit city and 15 km from ...
The Israeli occupation has been marked by a brutal and bloody conflict. The last four years of Ariel Sharons rule ...
Location and population Deir Istiya village is located 8 km to the northwest of Salfit city and approximately 15 east ...
What is happening with the Jericho deal between the Palestinians and the Israelis; is just a typical episode of the ...
أماكن السرقة: تعتبر الرمال الصفراء في قطاع غزة من المصادر الطبيعية الهامة ومصدر من مصادر المخزون الطبيعي حيث ...
Beit Surik, is a small Palestinian village 10 kilometers northwest of Jerusalem. It has a population of 3597 inhabitants (472 ...
Location and population Khirebt Jubara is located 5 km to the south of Tulkarem city near the Green Line. ...
Location, population and area The town of Idhna is located 12 km to the north west of the city ...
تقديم: بتاريخ 11 شباط 2005، اصدر قائد جيش الاحتلال الاسرائيلي في الضفة الغربية، الجنرال يأير نيفيه، امرا عسكريا يحمل ...
لم يكن القرار الصادر عن محكمة العدل العليا الإسرائيلية بتاريخ 3/2/2005 برد الالتماس المقدم من بلديتي بيت جالا ...
The Israeli occupation army issued a military order on February 11th, 2005, carrying the number of ( T/17/05) and ...
Salfit governorate lies in the northwestern part of the West Bank. It is surrounded by Qalqiliya Governorate from the north, ...
Heavy rains that have fallen in Qalqiliya district during the past few days caused floods and marshes, destroyed almost ...
When Israel commenced the building of the Segregation Wall in 2002 along the western parts of the West Bank, it ...
كشفت الصحف الإسرائيلية عن قرار صادر عن مجلس الوزراء الإسرائيلي في شهر حزيران من العام المنصرم, مفاده أن إسرائيل ...
What the Israeli government finally admitted regarding the number of outposts erected by the Israeli settlers spread throughout the occupied ...
The decision of the Israeli cabinet (June 2004) to adopt the Absentee property law in East Jerusalem came to close ...
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