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أمر عسكري بمصادرة 356 دونماً من الأغوار الشمالية

  اصدر جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي  في الخامس عشر من حزيران 2008 قراراً يحمل الرقم (08/08/( T والذي يتضمن مصادرة 356 دونماً من أراضي خربة سمرة الواقعة إلى الشرق من حاجز


Confiscation of 356 Dunums in Northern Jordan Valley

On June 15th, 2008 Israeli occupation military issued a military order number T/08/08 which called for the confiscation of 356 dunums from the lands of khirbet Samra. The khirbet is


Le siège de la ville de Nablus et des 15 villages autour se resserre.

Le 19 avril 2007, un nouvel ordre militaire israélien, signé par le commandant des Forces de Défense d'Israël  de Judée et Samarie (IDF), le général de division Ya'eir Neve Alof,


Israeli Occupation Forces Embark on Enlarging Sinsana settlement in Al Ramadien Village

The corner stone of Sinsana settlement was placed in 1995 in the form of some mobile caravans to be used by the Israeli occupation forces on lands belonging to Al Sho'our


إقامة معبر جديد على أراضي قرية نعلين غرب رام الله

    في السادس عشر من نيسان 2008, سلم قائد قوات جيش الدفاع الإسرائيلي في الضفة الغربية جادي شمني أهالي قرية نعلين غرب محافظة رام الله أمر عسكري جديد يحمل


Al-Aqaba: A Palestinian Village Fading in Time

Location and Population Al-Aqaba is a small Palestinian village located in the northern slope of the Jordan Valley within Tubas governorate in the eastern terrains of the West Bank its


Deir Razih’s land under constant threat by Otni’el settlers

About 100 dunums of Deir Razih village's land, Heron governorate are threatened with confiscation at the hands of the Israeli settlers living in Otni'el colony in the southern parts of


The Confiscation of the Properties of Two Charitable Societies in Hebron

On the night of February 26th, 2008 Israeli occupation forces forced its way into the headquarter and centers associated with the Islamic Charitable Society (including buildings, bakeries, schools and kindergartens)


بيت اولا, ضحية الاحتلال الاسرائلي مع بدء العام 2008

     في الخامس عشر من شهر كانون ثاني من العام المنصرم, و بدون سابق إنذار, قامت جرافات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي معززة بدوريات من قوات جيش الاحتلال الاسرائيلي بمداهمة منطقتي وادي القلمون


New military Order hits the lands of southern Hebron Governorate
“This is why it is a land grab and an obstacle to the peace process”

On February 23, 2008, the Israeli Army handed out residents of Ad Dhahryieh and Dura towns located at the southern part of Hebron Governorate an amendment-addition to a previously issued


“Declared as State Land”
New Israeli Military Orders Targeting Palestinian Lands in Al Jaba’a & Wadi Fukin villages Southwest Bethlehem city

On January 21, 2008, and while Palestinian farmers from Al-Jaba’a and Wadi Fukin villages southwest Bethlehem Governorate were cultivating their lands they came across several Israeli military orders tossed on


” إعلان بخصوص أراضي دولة”
أوامر عسكرية إسرائيلية جديدة تستهدف قريتي الجبعة ووادي فوكين جنوبي غرب محافظة بيت لحم

       في الحادي و العشرين من كانون الثاني من الشهر الجاري , وبينما كان المزارعون الفلسطينيون من قريتي الجبعة ووادي فوكين يعملون داخل أراضيهم , فوجؤوا بوجود أوامر عسكرية


The Israeli Occupation Bulldozers wipe out the lands of Beit Ulla village northwest Hebron Governorate

On January 15, 2008, and without a prior notification, the Israeli bulldozers along with the Israeli Occupation Forces raided Wadi Al-Qalamoun and Umm-Al Khanazir lands on the western edges of


سلطات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي تخطر أهالي قرية الزاوية بمصادرة مزيد من الاراضي

          في الثامن من كانون ثاني 2008، أعلنت سلطات الاحتلال الإسرائيلي من خلال مكتب الارتباط  المدني  الفلسطيني في محافظة سلفيت  نيتها مصادرة 9 دونمات زراعية في حوض(3) موقع


Israeli Occupation Authorities Confiscate More Lands in the Village of Al Zawiya

On January 8th, 2008 Israeli occupation authorities declared its intention of confiscating 9 agricultural dunums in Parcel 3 in a location called Al Wajh Al Gharbi of the village of


A revised route of the Israeli Segregation wall to increase the area confiscated from Hebron Governorate

Hebron Governorate is located at the southern part of the West Bank. It has a total area of 1067.5 km square, of which 83.6 km square makes the Palestinian built-up


Another Israeli obstacle to the “Peace Process”
“New Israeli Military Order to confiscate more Palestinian lands in East Jerusalem”

At the time, preparations are under way for the peace conference to be held next month in the U.S. city of Annapolis to boost the peace process in the region,


The Israeli Army to construct a new Road east of Ma’ale Adumim Settlement Bloc

On October 4, 2007, the Israeli army revealed yet another part of the plan to isolate East Jerusalem from the West Bank. It happened with the issuance of a new


نسيج الحياة, طريق جديد لخدمة الاهداف الاسرائيلية

         كشفت قوات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي عن مخطط جديد في المنطقة الشرقية للقدس المحتلة و ذلك من خلال اصدار الامر العسكري رقم 07/19/ت في الرابع من شهر تشرين الاول


New Israeli Military Order to confiscate additional area of Palestinians’ Lands in the villages of Al Khader and Artas

On September 18, 2007, the Israeli Army distributed a new military order number (07/29/T) to residents of Al Khader and Artas villages, south and southwest of Bethlehem governorate. The order


Land confiscated for military road in Kafr Qaddum village

At the beginning of last May, the Israeli occupation army distributed  a military decree stating the confiscation of 1520 square meters (9 dunums and 520 M2) of the southern agricultural


Wall amendment: another step for land grabbing

The Israeli occupation army continues with its policy of amending the previously issued military orders concerning the land that was taken for the construction of the path of the Annexation


“Israel Continues Looting the Palestinians’ Lands”
New Israeli military order to confiscate Palestinian lands in the Northern end of Jordan Valley

Overview Bardala is a Palestinian village within Tubas governorate, located 13 km northeast of the city of Tubas in the northern Jordan Valley. The village has a population of 1,577


More of Jayyus and Azzun lands taken for Wall revision

A new military decree was issued against the lands of Jayyus and Azzun, Qalqiliay governorate, stating the confiscation of about 80 dunums under the pretext of revising the Wall path


الجرافات الاسرائيلية تستكمل بناء جدار العزل العنصري في مدينة بيت جالا

       شرعت قوات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي بتجريف مساحات جديدة من اراضي مدينة بيت جالا لغرض بناء جدار العزل في المدينة. و كانت الجرافات الاسرائيلية قد جرفت بضعة دونمات من أراضي