Establishing a new colonial quarter in Shaked colony

Establishing a new colonial quarter in Shaked colony


Violation: a new quarter to be built in Shaked

Location: areas of Dhahr el-Malih and Tura/ Jenin governorate

Perpetrators: colonists of Shaked


The machineries of the Israeli occupation have been embarking ravaging and expanding works in the eastern part of Shaked colony( founded behind the wall) that is located on the lands of the villages of Dhahr el-Malih, Tura, Nazlit Zayed amd et-Tirm.

According to the LRC field follow-up, the expansion works were represented in building around 23 residential houses that still under construction. This is within a new colonial expansion plan to accumulate more colonists in the Shaked.


Photo1+2:  the expansion works on Shaked

A new colonial complex on the segregated lands behind the apartheid wall:

It should be mentioned that the Israeli occupation, since the establishment of the wall in the western part of Jenin in 2003-2003, linked the colonies of Shaked, Hinanit , Rihan, and Tal Menashe to the new Rihan complex. This complex was linked with main roads with Me 'me and Kitszer that are located within the occupied territories of 1948. The aforementioned territories became a huge colonial location, annexing massive area of lands from the villages of Ya'bad, Barta'a and Um er-Rihan. Not only that, the forest lands of  Umra were used for the favor of infrastructure, services and transportations of   the new complex.

The colony of Shaked(amongst all colonies in the complex) had many privileges in terms of the master plan expansion and the annexation of new outposts for the sake of accumulating more colonists.   

Shaked's Industrial zone:

The industrial zone that is relative to Shaked colony is what makes it very special. The zone includes 9 factories of (leathers, iron, cardboard, plastic furniture, and other industries) and is located in the northeastern side of the colony.

This very area got best privileges as opposed to other peers behind the green line in terms of electricity and water supply, tax reduction, and open market, which in that sense served at the area's prosperity, continuity, and sustainability.

About Shaked:

It was established in 1981 and has a total population of 686 colonist most of whom are right-wing extremists. The colony is considered a growing one during the past decade where the apartheid wall served at its expansion.




Prepared by
 The Land Research Center


Categories: Settlement Expansion