For the third Time in a Month The Israeli Occupation Army Destroys and Confiscates Irrigation Networks

For the third Time in a Month The Israeli Occupation Army Destroys and Confiscates Irrigation Networks
On July 19, 2011, the Israeli Occupation Authorities confiscated irrigation networks in Al Baq’a. Israeli troops stormed and besieged the area before a dozer and workers initiated the sabotage process. All the equipments were loaded on a truck that drove to an unknown destination.
Photo 1-3
An LRC observer witnessed the dozer plowing the lands and pulling pipes off. The farmers stated that they have not received any prior warnings while pointing out that it is the third similar aggression in less than a month. They pointed out that they irrigate their fields in totally legal ways and showed water bills proving their claims.

Photo 4-6
They confiscated irrigation networks belonged to:
1.     Izz ad Din al Rajabi
2.     Aref al Rajabi
3.     Samih al Rajabi
4.     Arif al Rajabi
5.     Marwan al Rajabi
6.     Subhi al Rajabi
The Israeli Occupation Authorities are targeting the area that is considered a main source of food supply in Hebron; it is mostly planted with grapes and vegetables.
Photo 7-8
The Israelis tend to cleanse the area to ease colonial expansions efforts.




Categories: Confiscation