Since the occupation of the West Bank in 1967, the village of Kardala has become on the list of the prime and major targets for the Israeli occupation, which seeks by all means to empty it of its original inhabitants, in preparation for seizing its lands and resources. The villagers are subjected to a systematic campaign of violations and persecution, including threats of forced displacement, home demolitions, and disruption of livelihoods. Despite these harsh conditions, the people of Kardala insist on holding on to their land, defending their right to live in dignity on the land of their ancestors.
Recently, Israeli bulldozers raided the village, demolishing and confiscating a newly constructed agricultural packing facility owned by Ghassan Faqha. This facility, which was being prepared for the installation of packing and operational machinery, marked a significant investment aimed at supporting the agricultural sector in the Jordan Valley. Mr. Fuqaha, who points out that the agricultural sector in the Jordan Valley, has witnessed a remarkable development, as it has moved from traditional agriculture to the cultivation of high-value crops such as baby cucumbers, baby peppers and cherry tomatoes, as these crops require special care and rapid cooling to maintain their quality.
Mr. Faqha invested in a modern packing and storage facility to meet these demands.
The area of the house was estimated at 300 square meters and was made of sandwich panels, but the occupation forces raided the facility accompanied by a full team specialized in demolition work and demolished it completely and confiscated what remained of it, which inflicted heavy losses on his agricultural project.
Israeli Army demolishing and confiscating the packaging factory
Video showing Israeli Army confiscating the packaging factory
Mr. Ghassan Fuqaha suffered huge material losses estimated at about 200 thousand shekels as a result of the discriminative demolition of his agricultural facility. Despite taking all the legal procedures required to obtain the necessary licenses, he was rejected. This procedure is considered a blatant violation of private property rights, and confirms once again the double standards practiced by the occupation authorities against Palestinian citizens.
The demolition of the packing facility not only devastated Mr. Faqha’s property but also dealt a significant blow to the local economy. The project had the potential to create numerous job opportunities for Kardala’s residents and boost the village’s income. Its destruction deprived the community of a vital economic resource, exacerbating their financial hardships.
Adding to his hardships, Mr. Faqha was going on with his family regular life and went on to build a small house for his son, investing everything he had to prepare the land and lay the foundation. However, during construction, Israeli forces stormed the site, confiscated the cement mixer, and prohibited him from continuing the work.
The demolition of the packing house is a clear message from the occupation that the Palestinians do not have the right to live in dignity, and that they are targeted in everything they own and every aspect of their lives. This crime is not the first of its kind, as it is part of a systematic policy practiced by the occupation with the aim of destroying the Palestinian infrastructure and displacing the population.
About Kardala Village:
Kardala village is located to the northeast of Tubas city, approximately 13.5 km away from it (the horizontal distance between the center of the village and the center of Tubas city), and is bordered by Ein al-Beida and the Mehola settlement to the east, Bardala village to the north, Jabaris and Wadi al-Maleh to the west, and al-Hamma, al-Farsiya, and the Hamra settlement to the south. Its population is (350) people, 40% of whom are males, and 60% are females, and the total area of the town is 10,000 dunums.
Prepared as part of the project:
“Mapping and Diagnosing Palestinian Rural Women’s Livelihood and Economic Empowerment in Area “C”
Implemented by: The Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ)
Prepared by:
The Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem