POSITION PAPER: A Land Mine before the “Two State Solution
The land administration issue was and still is one of the most complicated topics the Palestinians had to deal...
The land administration issue was and still is one of the most complicated topics the Palestinians had to deal...
الانتهاك: إغراق حقول الزيتون بالمياه العادمة. الموقع: بلدة بروقين غرب مدينة سلفيت. تاريخ الانتهاك: 03/10/2021. الجهة المعتدية: مستعمرة "بروخين"....
Violation: Polluting Olive Groves with Sewage Water. Location: Bruqin Town / West Salfit City. Date: October 3rd 2021. Perpetrator:...
الانتهاك: سرقة 300كغم من ثمار الزيتون. الموقع: واد عبد الرحمن – مدينة سلفيت. تاريخ الانتهاك: 03/10/2021. الجهة المعتدية: مستعمرون...
Violation: stealing Olive harvest. Location: Wad Abdul Ruhman – Salfit city. Date: October 3rd 2021. Perpetrators: Colonists of Ariel...
03 October 2021 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate...
02 October 2021 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate...
01 October 2021 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate...
الانتهاك: إنشاء بؤرة استعمارية جديدة. موقع الانتهاك: غرب مدينة سلفيت. تاريخ الانتهاك: 30/09/2021. الجهة المعتدية: مستعمرة " عيتص افرايم"....
Violation: new colonial outpost. Location: West Salfit city. Date: September 30th 2021. Perpetrators: Illegal colonists of “’Etz Efraim”. Victims:...
الانتهاك: إنشاء بؤرة استعمارية جديدة. موقع الانتهاك: غرب مدينة سلفيت. تاريخ الانتهاك: 30/09/2021. الجهة المعتدية: مستعمرة " عيتص افرايم"....
30 September 2021 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate...
Violation: new colonial outpost. Location: West Salfit city. Date: September 30th 2021. Perpetrators: Illegal colonists of “’Etz Efraim”. Victims:...
29 September 2021 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate...
الانتهاك: إخطار بوقف البناء في منشأة. الموقع: قرية النبي إلياس / محافظة قلقيلية. تاريخ الانتهاك: 29/9/2021م. الجهة المعتدية: ما...
Violation: Colonists attack. Date: Sept 28th 2021. Locations: Ar-Rakeez and Al-Mfaqara – Yatta town / Hebron Governorate. Perpetrators: Israeli...
28 September 2021 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate...
27 September 2021 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate...
26 September 2021 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate...
25 September 2021 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate...
24 September 2021 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate...
الانتهاك: إغلاق طرق. الموقع: بلدة يعبد جنوب غرب مدينة جنين. تاريخ الانتهاك: 23/09/2021. الجهة المعتدية: جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي. الجهة...
Violation: Closure of a road. Location: Ya’abad town / southwest Jenin city. Date: September 23rd 2021. Perpetrators: The Occupation...
23 September 2021 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate...
22 September 2021 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate...
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