ARIJ Daily Report – Tue, 16th 08 2016
August 16, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
August 16, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
الانتهاك: قرار عسكري بمصادرة أراض زراعية بحجة أنها أملاك دولة. الموقع: خربة أم المراجم جنوب شرق قرية دوما -...
August 15, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
August 14, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
August 13, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
August 12, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
August 11, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
While the world focus is on the US elections which will take place in November 2016, Israel is stepping...
In the early morning of August 10, 2016, the Israeli occupation bulldozers backed by Army forces raided Iskaka village...
On the 8th of August 2016, the Israeli developer Nehemiah Davidi and architect David Guggenheim advanced a new plan...
August 10, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
On a hilltop to the south of Eli settlement, stands the Israeli outpost of Givat HaRoeh in the occupied West Bank....
August 09, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
The (MOCH) published on the 1st of August 2016 a plan for Karnei Shomron settlement in Qalqilyia Governorate showing expansion...
August 08, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
The Month of July 2016 witnessed a drastic increase in the Israeli colonial activities in all of its aspects. During...
August 07, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
August 06, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
On the 2nd of August 2016, the Israeli Civil Administration escorted by the Israeli Army stormed the Palestinian town of...
ضج شهر تموز من العام 2016 بالمخططات والعطاءات التي صادقت عليها سلطات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي، الهادفة لبناء اكثر من 2500 وحدة...
August 05, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
Violation: demolition of community Location: Al-Mleihat and Arab Al-Zayed Bedouin communities Date: August 04, 2016 Perpetrators: Israeli Occupation...
August 04, 2016 Throughout the years of occupation of the Palestinian territory, Israel has engaged in excessive and disproportionate violations...
التقرير الشهري حول الانتهاكات الإسرائيلية في القدس المحتلة خلال تموز- 2016 لمزيد من التفاصيل, انقر التقرير التالي ...
The Monthly Report on Israeli Violations in Occupied Jerusalem during July 2016 For more information, click here ...
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