- Violation: 24 head of sheep stolen.
- Location: Kafr Malik Village / Ramallah and Al-Bireh Governorate.
- Violation date: 04/05/2022.
- The perpetrators: the settlers of Kokhav HaShahar settlement.
- Affected party: farmers Khairy Ali Ismail Abu Ali and his brother Fayez.
The violation details:
On Tuesday morning, May 04, 2022, a group of the settlers of the “Kokhab HaShahar” settlement raided the pastures located south of the village of Kafr Malik within the area known as “Kafr Khalal”, which is located about 2 km from the houses of the village.
Speaking to LRC’s field researcher farmer Khairy Abu Ali said the following:
“At about ten o’clock in the morning I was with my nephew Ghazi grazing our sheep near the village. I had 130 head of sheep with me and my nephew had 40 heads. Suddenly, two settlers’ cars drove towards us at high speed. As a quick reaction, we fled the scene as there were no other people with us. The settlers chased us between the mountains but they were unable to catch up with us. we ran a bout five kilometers until we reached the village of Deir Jarir village, while the settlers stabbed some sheep with sharp tools and stole others. In the evening, I returned with a large number of the town’s people to the site to search for sheep, and then we informed the Palestinian Coordination Office ( DCO) and levied a complaint to the occupation police, but I have received no assistance whatsoever from their side until this moment. Raising sheep is the only source of livelihood for me and my family of nine people, including seven minor children. The eastern land of the village of Kafr Malik is considered one of the areas which have been used since long time as pastures for many families here in the town, and also for the neighboring villages. Therefore, we have been under continuous attacks and harassment from the settlers of Kochap Ha Shahar and the surrounding outposts. These attacks encompassed the confiscation and closure of pastures and, even, beating us.”
It is noteworthy that the number of the attacking settlers was 19 who were boarding two vehicles and armed with sticks and sharp tools. They stole 24 heads of sheep, 19 of which belong to farmer Khairi and 5 others belong to his brother Fayez.
The Land Research Center