Violation: stop-work orders for 6 structures and an unpaved road; a step towards demolition.
Date: August 17, 2011.
Location: Al Qanub – Sa’ir.
Perpetrators: the Israeli Occupation Army.
Victims: members of al Shalalda family.
The Israeli Occupation Authorities issued stop-work orders against several structures and a road in Sa’ir.Residents of Al Qanub area stated that the orders were designated against 3 residential tents and burrows.
Picture 1-2: stop-work orders
Picture 3-4: threatened structures
Another order was issued; the order called for the immediate stoppage of the rehabilitation of a road on the same pretext of no permit.
Picture 5: the order issued against the road
Picture 6: a section of the threatened road
The orders were issued on August 17, 2011 claiming that the road and the structures were built prior to receiving permits. A hearing session in Beit El Military Court will be held on September 5, 2011 to discuss returning the area to its status quo. The targeted families depend largely on herding and have been living in the area for tens of years.
Table 1: landlords of the threatened structures:
Area (m2)
Number of structures
Family members
Mohammad Shalalda
Tent, bar, bower
Imad Shalalda
Tents (2), barn
The road is 600-meter-long; it has been milled tens of years ago. Recently, the locals decided to rehabilitate the road by laying base course in order to make it more usable. It must be noted that Al Qanub area has been facing increased colonial expansion efforts lately. Two months earlier, colonists plowed tens of dunums of confiscate lands and started planting them.
Picture 7: planted lands
Eyewitnesses stated that the Israeli Authorities expanded Maale Amos colony by adding 8 mobile homes in August, 2011.
Picture 8: expansions of Ma’li ‘Amous
The Israeli Authorities issued orders to evacuate 2000 dunums in Al Qanub in 2005. The designated area was mostly hillcrests planted with trees.
Picture 9-11: 2005 orders
Picture12-13: threatened lands
The locals believe that the Israeli measures are intended for seizing more lands and use them for further colonial expansions.