- Violation: A demolition military order on an agricultural facility.
- Date: 4/2/2019.
- Location: Umm Al-Amd – Yatta town / Hebron governorate.
- Perpetrators: The Israeli occupation civil administration.
- Victims: Family of Ibrahim Al-Huraini.
Monday, The Israeli occupation authorities issued a demolition order on an agricultural facility, on the pretext that it lacks licenses.
The targeted facility belongs to Ibrahim Al-Hraini , and lies in Umm Al-Amd west Yatta town in Hebron governorate.
Al-Hraini (60 years) testified that a vehicle from the building and organizing department in the civil administration, showed up in front of his house and pasted a demolition order on the door, and took pictures before withdrawing.
Military order (508262) is entitled “a final halt of work and demolition order”, and gave the owner 7 days to demolish the structures.
Photo 1: a demolition military order on an agricultural facility
Photo 2: the targeted agricultural facility
The military order targets an agricultural barracks built of bricks since 2018, and has an area of (90 m2) and used for cattle husbandry.
Al-Hraini have been living and working in animal husbandry in Umm Al-Amd for 4 years.
Noteworthy, “Umm Al-Amd” is located west Yatta town , and has a population of 500 people , and is bordered by “ ‘Atniel” settlement from the west.
The Land Research Center