- Violation: Expanding “Kfar Tepuah” Illegal outpost.
- Location: Yasuf town / Salfit governorate.
- Date: April 25 -2018.
- Perpetrator: “Kfar Tepuah” illegal settlement.
- Victim: farmers of the targeted areas.
April 25 , The occupation bulldozers carried out ravaging and preparation of lands close to “Kfar Tepuah – south” illegal outpost , north-east Yasuf town- Salfit governorate.
According to field observation, a bulldozer from (Komatsu) was ravaging 9 dunums of lands close to the military watch point.
“Kfar Tepuah-south” outpost is about Kilometer and a half from “Kfar Tipuah” settlement from the west side, this outpost is their key to take over hundreds of agricultural dunums between the mentioned outpost “Kfar Tipuah” Israeli illegal settlement.
Preparing these lands and implanting a road opens the door to legalize this outpost (to the Israeli government) and this reveals the occupation’s attempt to take over wide areas of land.
Photos 1-2: Land preparation around the Israeli illegal outpost.
Rezeq Abu Naser Human rights activist from Salfit told LRC observer:
“Since 2004 – the year of building the colonial outpost “Kfar-Tepuah-south” until the day of preparing this report, farmers of Yasuf suffer from Israeli Settlers’ frequent assaults against their lands and themselves especially in olives harvesting season, other than obstructing their movement and prohibiting them from reaching their land and cultivating it”
Yasuf town is targeted by Israeli colonial plans, Nasha’t Abdul Fatah head of Yasuf rural council told LRC observer that the town had lost 35 % of its agricultural lands due to expansion projects in “Kfar Tepuah” illegal settlement, which affected farmer’s lives and destroyed agricultural sector.
It is 16km south of Nablus. Yasuf is surrounded by Huwara and Jamma’in (north), Marda (west), Yatma (east), and Iskaka (south).
Yasuf is inhabited by 2090 people (according to 2013 projections). It has a total area of 6037 dunums, 330 of which are built-up area of the village.
The Israeli occupation confiscated 814 dunums for these two colonies: Kfar Tapuah colony which was built on Yasuf lands in 1978. The colony is inhabited by 523 colonists and Rachelim- Shvut that was built in 1991 and devoured 10 dunums.
Besides, the bypass road number 508 confiscated more than 155 dunums of the village lands.
According to Oslo Accords, only 1427 dunums of Yasuf lands are under Area B (PA is in charge of civil matters with Israel responsible for security) while most of Yasuf is under Area C (Israel maintains full security and administrative control). About of 4609 dunums of Yasuf is in area C.
Land Research Center sees Israel continuous expansion on colonies in the West Bank and Jerusalem at the expense of Palestinian and lands a flagrant violation of Human Rights and all international laws and conventions, which prohibit disposition of public properties in occupied countries.
The Land Research Center