Violation: Israeli occupation forces issues eviction orders of 160 dunums.
Location: The villages of Ras Tira and Al Daba’a in the Governorate of Qalqilia.
Affected: 12 farmers from the two villages.
Date: 5 February 2012
The joy of Mr. Jamal Mohammad Mara’aba of the good rainy season and the potential harvest season did not last for too long. He was depending on the output of his land to provide income for his 9-member family. Yet, the Israeli occupation forces aborted his happiness when he found a piece of paper declaring his land to be “Closed Military Area” and giving him 45 days to evacuate the land and return to its original status. Mr. Mara’aba found that Order on the morning of February 5th, 2012.
Similar fate is facing another 11 Palestinian farmers who found similar Orders while attending their lands on the same day. The lands are located in an area known as Al Shaba Ballout which was located beyond the Racist Wall. Two years ago the area was returned to its owners in the aftermath of the dismantling parts of the Racist Wall as per the Israeli court’s decision.
Pic.1-3: The location of the threatened lands.
Attached are copies of the Military Order and the associated map.
No. of Family Member
Type of Plants
Jamal Mohammad Mara’aba
Ras Tira
Talal Abdel Latif Mara’aba
Ras Tira
Irrigated vegetables
Na’eim Abdel Aziz Mara’aba
Ras Tira
Olive trees
Faisal Rislan Mara’aba
Ras Tira
Olive trees
Abdel Hafiz Abdel Raheem Mara’aba
Ras Tira
Irrigated vegetables
Tawfeeq Awad Mara’aba
Al Daba’a
Olive trees
Abdel Fattah Baker Oudeh
Al Daba’a
Olive trees
Younis Ahmad Awad Mara’aba
Al Daba’a
Olive trees
Anwar Abdullah Mara’aba
Al Daba’a
Olive trees
A’aref Abdel Aziz Mara’aba
Al Daba’a
Olive trees
Ma’azooz Hamdan Mara’aba
Al Daba’a
Olive trees
Tawfeeq Ahmad A’arar
Al Daba’a
Olive trees
Source: field research – Israeli Violation Monitoring Unit – LRC.
It has to be pointed out that the villages of Wadi Rasha, Al Daba’a and Ras Tira have been negatively impacted to a great extent due to the establishment of the Israeli Racist Isolation Wall. Occupation forces started the work on the Wall in the said area in the year 2004. It made its way through the lands of the villages in order to annex the colony of Alfe Minshe leading the villages to become cantons controlled by a series of occupation-operated checkpoints and tunnels.
In the year 2004 Israeli occupation forces made only one gate in the Wall (known as Gate 731) and was considered to be the only connection point between the said villages and the rest of the cities and villages of Qalqilia. However, after an active campaign in the Israeli court system, the route of the Racist Wall was changed to allow a number of Palestinian houses to become located on the “Palestinian side” of the Wall. Consecutive land grabs by the occupation forces led to the further expansion of the colony of Alfe Minshe on the expense of Palestinian lands isolated beyond the Wall. The eviction orders are another tool used in stealing Palestinian lands depriving, in the process, Palestinians of their most basic rights.