On September 29, 2011, the Israeli Occupation Authorities served Beit Ummar Municipality a plan entitled (the detailed organization project number 20/901 for the main roads 60). The order was issued by the ‘Higher Organization Council’ of the so-called Civil Administration of Judea and Samaria.The ordered included the detailed plans of the Israeli project to be carried out using Palestinian lands.
Target areas:
Beit Ummar: parcels 2, 3, and 8 (Briqut, Beit Za’ta, Abu Suda, Khirbit um Tala’, Jabal al Qarn, Wadi al Sheikh, Wadi al ‘Arrub).
Halhul: parcels 8,10, and 11 (Khirbit um Tala3, Ras al Qadi, um al Daraj, Beit Kharaf, Al Jumjuma, al Shinnar, Um Suleiman, Al Romouz, Albu Wardan)
The order indicated that the total confiscated area will be 1273 dunums and the suggested bypass will be 461 dunum in area and 8 km long.
Picture 1: Aerial photo showing the route of the bypass
Picture 2: a general view of the lands to be penetrated by the bypass
The order limited the usage of the target area; construction, road opening, or even placement of irrigation pipes is prohibited. Anyone who wishes to perform such an action must acquire a permit from the Israeli Occupation Higher Organization Council; needless to say that acquiring such permits is relatively impossible. It is known that the target area formed of agricultural lands known for its high fertility; tens of dunums will be rendered unusable and isolated.
Previous plan:
The current plan is an extension of a previous plan published in Al Quds newspaper on August 8, 2008; the announcement was signed by a Shlomo Moshkovich, deputy head, Higher Organization Committee, the Israeli Occupation Civil Administration.


Picture 3: part of the plan handed to Beit Ummar Municipality
The Land Research Center views this abrupt plan which concise taking over fertile Palestinian agricultural lands without giving them the right to object as a clear violation of article 17 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights stating :’ Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.‘
LRC also believes that the capture of Palestinian lands to extend the bypass roads network hinders the development of the Palestinians and causes turmoil in their demographic balance.