Violation: Israeli occupation forces extend confiscation orders for keeping the Israeli Racist Wall.
Date: March 23rd, 2011.
Affected Palestinians: The Palestinians of the villages and towns of Jayyous, Filamiyya, the City of Qalqilia, Habla, Kufr Thulth in addition to Siniria.
On the morning of March 23rd, 2011, Israeli Liason Office delivered to the Palestinian side a number of military orders renewing previous orders calling for the continuation of “placing its hands” on Qalqilia lands. The purpose of the land confiscation was for the construction of the Israeli Racist Isolation Wall. The renewed Orders were signed by the Commander of the Occupation Forces in the West Bank, Avi Lavinski Mizrahi, on Jan. 11th, 2011.
Occupation forces provided the affected land owners a mere 10 days to file objections against the Orders. That is despite the fact that Orders were submitted more than two months after their issuance which provides an evidence of the intention of occupation forces to steal the lands from their legitimate owners.
The following table lists all relevant information vis-à-vis the said Orders:
Military Order No.
First Issued
Previous Extension Date
Parcel No.
Land Piece No.
Area of Affected Lands
March 2002
29/3/2007 Extension 1 and Boundary Alignment.
57, 71
76 dunums
29, 61, 62
1, 3-7, 21-23, 66, 71, 30-32
14, 15, 18
March 2002
29/3/2007 Extension 1 and Boundary Alignment.
Al Yad Al Gharbi, Jabal Oudeh
224 dunums
Khallet Hureis, Al Sounah
1, 8, 10, 15, 25-30, 279-285, 287-292, 121, 372, 433-441, 430, 450-460, 466-469, 473-483, 485, 489, 487, 491, 529, 571.
Kufr Thulth
Khirbet Al Sheikh, Al Jazleh
Al Dreijat, Al Kashef, Al Murooj, Khallet Al Mughrabi, Khallet Abu Al Samha, Wadi Yousef, Al Aqed, Wad Al Hashwa, Safhet Dibs.
473 dunums
Abu Jazz
Khirbet Jabr Al Abeer
Al Karm Al Kabeer and Khallet Baseila
General Information about the Racist wall in Qalqilia Governorate:
The wall in Qalqilia was established in 2002 with the aim of confiscating as much Palestinian agricultural lands as possible under lame pretexts and excuses. In the Governorate of Qalqilia the Wall has two routes; the western route runs along with the Green Line while the eastern route (still under construction) is designed to annex colonies in the eastern parts of the Governorate.

The western route starts from the village of Filamiyya and runs to encircle the city of Qalqilia and the village of Al Nabi Ilyas and continues to reach the southern tip of the Governorate where it encircles the village of Azzoun Al Atma. This route annexes the colonies of Tsufin, Alfe Minshe, Oraniet and She’ari Tikva. The length of the route is 53 kilometers with a width averaging 55 to 125 meters and it isolates about 41,960 dunums behind it. It also destroyed around 4,000 agricultural dunums.
Colonists have taken advantage of the space provided for them by the Racist Wall as the colonies of She’ari Tikva, Atsfariem, Tsufin and Alfe Minshe are considered to be the fastest growing colonies in the West Bank in an attempt to accommodate the largest number of colonists atop Qalqilia lands.