Violation: The threat to evict a Palestinian farmer from his land in under the pretext that it is “State Land”.
Location: The area of Wadi Qana in the town of Deir Istiya in Salfeet Governorate.
Date: March 15th, 2011.
Wadi Qana has been a prime target for Israeli occupation forces ever since the occupation started in 1967; as a first step in controlling the Wadi, occupation forces declared it to be a “Natural Reserve.” Yet, as time passed colonies and industrial zones were built in the Wadi which led it to lose its appeal and its uniqueness.
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The latest violation in the Wadi took place on the 14th of March, 2011, when Israeli occupation forces closed down one of the agricultural roads overlooking the colony of Amanuel which made it difficult for Palestinian farmers to access their lands located in the vicinity of the road. Consequently, on the 15th of March, 2011, these forces delivered an “Immediate Eviction” order to Mr. Kamal Abdel Rahman Abu Kamal of Deir Istiya. The targeted lands (area = 12 dunums) are located in an area known as Khallet Mikhmas. The pretext used in the Order for the forced eviction is that the lands are considered to be “State Lands” while giving a 35-day grace period to return the land to its previous status.
It has to be mentioned that the targeted lands are situated only 200 meters away from the houses of the town. Mr. Nazmi Al Salman, the mayor of Deir Istiya and an anti-colonization activist, indicated that there are seven colonies established in the Wadi including Karnie Shomron, Janat Shomron and Nof Oramein (north of the Wadi), Niviem and Yakier (south of treh Wadi), Amanuel (east of the Wadi) and Ma’ale Shomron (west of the Wadi). The presence of such a large number of colonies has resulted in the reduction in the area of the Wadi due to the land grab policies implemented by the occupation forces.
Moreover, such policies have affected negatively its natural and environmental character due to the flow of sewage and waste water produced by the colonies into it and also through pumping water from its natural springs to meet the drinking needs of the colonists. Wadi Qana has a number of water springs and is considered one of the few touristic places that can be used to enjoy nature. However, due to the lack of personal security and the constant fear of attacks by the colonists, visitors have to think twice before taking a trip there. Moreover, the Israeli occupation policies have reduced the agricultural area from 10,000 dunums to a mere 5,500 dunums.
All of the lost lands were confiscated for the purpose of enlarging the area of the colonies which rendered all of the areas in the vicinity of the colonies obsolete due to the inability of the land owners to access it and work on it. Yet, the love of the land pushes land owners to keep on working in their lands as a number of projects have been implemented in cooperation with the Municipality and a number of agricultural organizations despite of the Israeli obstacles.
Prepared by
The Land Research Center