Violation: confiscation of irrigation networks covering an area of more than 39 dunums.
Violators: the Israeli Occupation Authorities.
Victims: Jaber family.
Date: October 21, 2010.
On October 21, 2010, Israeli troops initiated a large confiscation operation targeting irrigation networks in Palestinian farms located in Al Baq’a area in Hebron city.
Rabi’ Jaber, one of the victims, stated to an LRC observer that a large group of border police accompanied by heavy machineries and the Israeli Water Works employees raided Al Baq’a and started pulling out the irrigation pipes placed between the plants; causing a great deal of damage.
Picture 1-3: the sabotage marks
Jaber added that the Israelis deliberately pulled out the pipes from between the plants including turnip and cauliflower to inflict as much damage as possible. In addition, they pulled the pipes out of the growing grapes.
Picture 4: an Israeli truck loaded with confiscated irrigation pipes
39 dunums of land were catastrophically damaged; most of the lands were planted with vegetables and grapes. Some parts were in the preparatory phase.
More than 39 dunums were left to drought thanks to the Israeli vicious attack.
Table 1: some of the damaged farmers and a brief description of the ruined fields. It must be known that some of these farmers faced similar attacks more than three times during the current and past year.
Area (dunum) (1000 m2)
‘Adel Jaber
Rabi’ Jaber
Grapes, turnip
Mohammad jabber
Turnip, cauliflower
Yasir Jaber
Turnip, readied farms
‘Ata Jaber
Turnip and grapes
It must be pointed that Al Baq’a area is known for its huge farms and is considered one of the most fertile areas in Hebron Governorate. The Palestinians have been planting the area with vegetables, prunus, and grapes for years.
The Israeli Occupation Authorities are trying to strangle the owners through sabotaging their farms and crop in an attempt to force them to abandon it. The Israelis intend to clear the way for the ongoing rapid expansion of the nearby colonies of Kharsina and Kiryat Arba. During a visit of an LRC field researcher, he witnessed Israeli dozers leveling huge areas of confiscated lands; lands that were added to Kharsina colony. The dozers were seen leveling a hill that used to be the property of Jaber family; apparently, the Israelis intend to add new housing units in the eastern side of the colony.
In addition, laying foundation for new housing units is occurring in the same area. Previously built housing units are being prepared to receive more colonists. Rapid expansions are taking place in Kiryat Arba as well.
Picture 10-11: Kharsina expansion