Israeli Violations

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An Israeli Road Network to be constructed on lands of Al Ezariyeh and At-Tur communities

The Israeli Occupation Army handed out residents of El Ezariyeh and At-Tur cities, Palestinian suburbs southeast of occupied East Jerusalem city, a map showing a network of roads to be


Demolitions, threats of demolitions and evictions in Idhna town – Hebron Governorate

    Photo 1: Ar Ras quarter- Idhna- Hebron:  an Israeli bulldozers demolishing a poultry farm)   One poultry farm and one and sheep farm were demolished at the hands


The Israeli destruction of the Moroccan Gate of Al Haram Al Sharif in Jerusalem’s Old city continues unabated

Since the midnight of February 6th, 2007, Israeli security forces (including Police, Border Police, Intelligence, etc) have placed a strict closure and siege on all entrances of the City of


23 Palestinian houses demolished in Jerusalem Governorate during the month of January – 2007

(Photo 1: Mt. of Olives-Jerusalem: the ruins of the demolished house of Mrs. Malook Kazem Abdullah, a mother of 11) – Photo courtesy of LRC   Introduction Another year is

Israeli Violations

Israeli Colonization Activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territories following Annapolis meeting

Right after the time of the Annapolis meeting, which was held in the US state of Maryland in November 26, 2007 under the auspice of the US President George W.


اخطارات بالهدم و وقف البناء لسكان منطقة جبل الديك و اسكان الروم في مدينة بيت ساحور

           بتاريخ 29 , كانون الثاني, 2007 , قامت سلطات الاحتلال الاسرائلي بتسليم 11 اخطارا لهدم  بيوت و بركسات فلسطينية في منطقة جبل الديك و اخرى بوقف البناء لثلاث

Israeli Violations

أريج ترصد الانتهاكات الاسرائيلية في الضفة الغربية و قطاع غزة خلال العام 2006

        لا تزال قوات الاحتلال الاسرائيلي و منذ احتلالها للضفة الغربية و قطاع غزة في العام 1967 تصعد من عدوانها على الارض الفلسطينية و ممتلكات المواطنيين و


Environmental “Ecocide”: The undeclared Israeli War against the Palestinian Trees

After people, trees and all kinds of plantations are considered the worst of enemies to any occupation, in our case the Israelis regards the trees as the invincible enemy which


The demolition and evacuation of 111 Palestinian houses and other structures in Jerusalem during 2006

The Israeli occupation authorities continued to demolish and evacuate Palestinian houses in the occupied Jerusalem during the year 2006 under various pretexts such as the construction of the Segregation Wall,

Israeli Violations

Jinsafut village’s land devastated for Wall construction

Location, Population and Area: The village of Jinsafut, Qalqilia Governorate, is located 15 kilometers to the east of the city of Qalqilia. Its population is about 2,500 Palestinians. About 78%


The Segregation Wall confiscates the majority of Haris Village Lands.

An Israeli Company announced plans to develop 165 dunums of lands belongs to Haris village residents. The land of issue were declared 'confiscated' by the Israeli Occupation Forces some time


Israel Resumes “House Destruction” Policy in Al Walajeh Village Northwest of Bethlehem City

Location and Population Al Walajeh, a small Palestinian village located about 4 kilometers to the northwest of Bethlehem city and 8.5 km to the southwest of the city of Jerusalem.


Ein Ritus ein jeder Olivenernte
“Israelische Siedler zerstoeren 150 Olivenbaeume in Burin suedlich des Gouvernements von Nablus”

Am 29. September 2009, also nur einige Tage vor dem Beginn der Olivenerntesaison, stuermten und zerstoerten israelische Siedler aus der israelischen Siedlung Yitzhar, suedlich des palaestinensischen Regierungsbezirks Nablus, die Olivenhaine

Eviction of Palestinians

In Al Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied East Jerusalem
Israel engage in effective ethnic racist Steps to forcibly alter the residency of a Palestinian neighborhood

The “High Court of Justice” has issued an evacuation order for one of the 28 houses to be evacuated and demolished in the Palestinian Al Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in occupied

Settlers Attacks

The Israeli Settlers wreaking havoc with the Palestinian Lands and Properties in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

Introduction With the coercive launch of the Israeli settlements program in the occupied Palestinian territory, the Israeli settlers� constitute an immanent and constant threat to the original Palestinian inhabitants of

Settlers Attacks

Hagai settlers cut olive trees in Ar Rihiya village

Photo 1: Ar Rihiya-Hebron:  a woman laments for her destroyed olive trees. Al Ayyam newspaper   Photo 2: Ar Rihiya- Hebron: Settlers' grudge against Palestinian olive trees is reflected in this

Israeli Violations

معهد الأبحاث التطبيقية – القدس (أريج) يوجه نداء استغاثة لرفض الصيغة الحالية لاقتراح الجمعية العمومية للأمم المتحدة بتسجيل الخسائر الناجمة عن بناء جدار الفاصل العنصري

       في شهر تموز من عام 2004، أصدرت محكمة العدل الدولية قرارها الاستشاري حول شرعية بناء الجدار الفاصل في الأراضي الفلسطينية المحتلة، بما فيها القدس الشرقية. كما بين القرار


‘Aboud Village lands’ confiscated and distorted for the construction of the Israeli Segregation Wall

Several Israeli bulldozers started leveling up the lands of 'Aboud village in preparation for the construction of a part-section of the Israeli Segregation Wall, which will portion out the village.

Israeli Violations

ذكرى أخرى لمأساة مستمرة
يوم التضامن العالمي مع الشعب الفلسطيني

في العام 1977، أعلنت الجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة يوم 29 تشرين الثاني يوما' للتضامن العالمي مع الشعب الفلسطيني بقرار رقم 32/40/ب و ذلك للتذكير بقرار الجمعية رقم 181 للعام 1947


Difficult olive harvest season in Mas-ha Village

During the latest olive harvesting season, and as part of the on going war against the Palestinian people and their livelihood sources, the Israeli occupation forces took a number of 

Israeli Violations

خاصة كانت أم عامة, فهي أراضي فلسطينية محتلة
جميع مساحة أراضي المستوطنات الإسرائيلية “غير قانونية”

إن أكثر ما هو جدير بالملاحظة في تقرير حركة السلام الان و الذي صدر بتاريخ 21/11/2006 في صحيفة القدس و على موقعهم الالكتروني هو قيام مجموعة اسرائيلية بالكشف عن معلومات


Israeli Military Bases Consolidate Confiscation of Palestinian Land

Introduction Israeli military bases had a significant role in the methodical Israeli premeditated strategy to create a reality that contravenes the international law.   Following the 1967 war, the Israeli


“The Demographic War over Jerusalem”
Israel Systematic House Demolitions in Jerusalem

Background When Israeli captured East Jerusalem along with other Arab-Palestinian territories during the 1967 war, it became an obsession of the successive Israeli governments to win the demographic battle over


The Olive Harvest Season, a harvest season OR a torture season ?

Introduction: Over the past-ongoing 39 years of Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza, millions of trees were either uprooted, razed, mowed or segregated from the Palestinian lands


Israeli Occupation Continues to Devour Palestinian Jerusalemites’ Lands

The Israeli occupation, with all its mechanism and military and civil apparatuses, is continuing its policy of confiscating the property of Jerusalemites, especially their lands, using a number of tactics