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Between December 27, 2008 and January 18, 2009 Israel destroys 29% of Gaza’s Agricultural Area

The Israeli launched war on the Palestinian Gaza Strip between December 27, 2008 and January 18, 2009 came on more than the people and the structure of Gaza, it intended


The Israeli Occupation Cuts Off Agricultural Roads in Qalqilia Governorate

Israeli occupation forces have closed down two agricultural roads in the city of Qalqilia in the early days of November 2008. These forces have placed earthmounds across the two roads


حرق أراضي زراعية في قرية فرعطة

  في 19 أيلول 2008 أقدمت مجموعة من المستوطنين  على حرق 45 دونماً من الأراضي الزراعية في قرية فرعطا شرق مدينة قلقيلية تحديداً في منطقة ‘واد الشامي’ حوض 15 قطعة


Israeli Occupation Forces Prevent Khirbet Yazra Farmers from Establishing an Agricultural Road

The residents of Khirbet Yazra, located 6 kilometers east of the city of Tubas, have suffered and agonized for a long time before the Palestinian Ministry of Finance has agreed


The Israeli Occupation Cuts Off Agricultural Roads in Hebron Governorate

At the time that Israeli occupation authorities declare its intention to improve Palestinian movement through the lifting of a number of closures, it turned out that Israeli forces have placed


The Israeli Occupation Cuts Off Agricultural Roads in Hebron Governorate

At the time that Israeli occupation authorities declare its intention to improve Palestinian movement through the lifting of a number of closures, it turned out that Israeli forces have placed


Devastation of land and uprooting of long- lived olive trees in Beit Hanina

Israeli bulldozers began to devastate large area of agricultural land in Beit Hanina At tihta (lower Beit Hanina) north west of the city of Jerusalem to make room for the


مستوطنو يتسهار يعتدون على المواطنين الأراضي الزراعية في بلدتي بورين و حوارة

      أقدمت مجموعة من مستوطني ‘ يتسهار’ يوم الخميس الموافق 19 من حزيران 2008 على إحراق عشرات الدونمات من أراضي المواطنين الفلسطينيين الزراعية والمزروعة بالزيتون والقمح في الأراضي الشمالية الغربية من


تزايد وتيرة قطع و تخريب الأشجار الزراعية في واد قانا و قرى غرب نابلس

        في الآونة الأخيرة زادت اعتداءات المستعمرين اليهود على المواطنين الفلسطينيين وخاصة المزارعين منهم، حيث لم يجدوا من يردعهم عن هذه الاعتداءات فتمادوا في مضايقتهم للفلسطينيين، ففي


مستوطنو معاليه ليفونا يدمرون العشرات من أشجار الزيتون في قرية اللبن الشرقية

            ( صورة رقم 1: في الاعلى مستوطنة معالية لبونا وفي الاسفل قرية اللبن الشرقية وفي الوسط حقول زيتون تم الاعتداء عليها)       أقدمت مجموعة من


المستعمرون الاسرائيليون يسرقون أشجار الزيتون ويزرعونها داخل المستعمرات

          أصبحت مستعمرتا شيلو وعيلي الجاثمتين على أراضي قرية قريوت والبؤر الاستيطانية الأخرى التابعة لهما مصدر إزعاج يومي لأهالي تلك القرية البالغ عددهم 2800 نسمة (مركز الإحصاء الفلسطيني).  فمنذ


Artas village lands are targeted for settlement expansion

On May 20, 2007, the Israeli bulldozers backed by the Israeli occupation Army and many Israeli settlers from Efrat settlement, razed Mr. Abu Swayy's land in Wadi 'Ameera area in


Deir Ballut’s fruitful olive trees cut for Wall Constructions

  (Photo 1: Deir Ballut-Salfit: olive trees' owners  inspecting the size of damage)   At the end of January, 2007, the Israeli occupation forces cut about 206 fruitful olive trees 


Difficult olive harvest season in Mas-ha Village

During the latest olive harvesting season, and as part of the on going war against the Palestinian people and their livelihood sources, the Israeli occupation forces took a number of 


The Olive Harvest Season, a harvest season OR a torture season ?

Introduction: Over the past-ongoing 39 years of Israeli Occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza, millions of trees were either uprooted, razed, mowed or segregated from the Palestinian lands


Tree uprooting and land devastation continue in Beit Lid land

Israeli bulldozers continue to destroy and uproot hundreds of olive trees as part of the process of building the Segregation Wall around the settlement of Enav in Tulkarem governorate. The


Land shaving at the eastern side of the Segregation Wall

The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) distributed dozens of written notices stipulating the uprooting of hundreds of olive and almond trees in the eastern bank of the Segregation Wall path in


Israeli brought wild pigs destroy tens of dunums in Deir Ballut plain

Israeli occupation authorities have released a large number of wild pigs in Deir Ballut which led to the spoilage of agricultural crops especially the newly-planted. This fact has caused a


Shavei Shomron’s buffer zone legalized by Israel’s supreme court

Israeli bulldozers continue to devastate agricultural lands in the village of Sabastiya – Nablus governorate for the purpose of building a new alleged 'security' fence around the settlement of Shavei


The Israeli Occupation Forces tighten measures against Habla farmers and villagers

Starting from April, 2006, the Israeli occupation forces began to tighten measures on farmers and citizens of the village of Habla, Qalqiliya, by terrorizing and preventing them from approaching their


قرية سالم بين فكي الاحتلال الإسرائيلي و اعتداءات المستوطنين

         تعرÙ�Ù� بÙ�رÙ�Ø© ساÙ�Ù�:-   اÙ�Ù�Ù�Ù�ع Ù�اÙ�حدÙ�د:- تÙ�ع Ù�رÙ�Ø© ساÙ�Ù� شرÙ�Ù� Ù�دÙ�Ù�Ø© Ù�ابÙ�سØ� Ù�تتبع Ù�حاÙ�ظة Ù�ابÙ�س Ù�Ù� Ø´Ù�اÙ� اÙ�ضÙ�Ø© اÙ�غربÙ�Ø©. Ù�Ù�حدÙ�ا Ù�Ù� اÙ�Ø´Ù�اÙ� اÙ�غربÙ� أراضÙ� بÙ�دة دÙ�ر اÙ�حطبØ�


The Nature Reserves in light of the Israeli assaults !!!

Nature reserves in the West Bank The nature reserve is defined by encyclopedia Britannica (2005) as the 'area set aside by a government for the purpose of preserving certain animals,


State Vandalism: Israel Disrupts Nature in Al-Walaja Village

With the first light break on Monday, April 4, 2005, the residents of Al-Walaja village (located 8 Km in the western rural areas of Bethlehem district) found themselves facing dozens


Olive Harvest in Palestine. Another Season, Another Anguish

The autumn months in Palestine mark the season for harvesting olives. The olive harvest is traditionally a joyful and celebrated time of the year in Palestinian communities. Since the Israeli


Israel commences wall constructions on ‘Anata village lands

Despite the ICJ advisory opinion on July 9, 2004, Israel continues to build the Segregation Wall in the Occupied Palestinian territories causing more damages to the Palestinian economy and affecting