Stop- work  notices in homes and agricultural structures  in the Bayrouq area, east of Yatta town, Hebron Governorate

Stop- work  notices in homes and agricultural structures  in the Bayrouq area, east of Yatta town, Hebron Governorate


  • Violation: notices of suspension of work.
  • Violation date: 08/05/2022.
  • Location: Bayrouq – Yatta Town / Hebron Governorate.
  • The perpetrator: the so-called civil administration of the occupation.
  • Affected party: 4 families living in the area.

The violation details:

On Sunday, May 8, 2022, the Israeli occupation authorities issued notices to stop work and construction in homes and agricultural facilities under the pretext that they were built without permissions in the Bayrouq area, northeast of Yatta town, south of Hebron.

The area was raided by a force of the occupation army and personnel from the so-called Planning  and Construction Department in the Israel Civil Administration. The so-called building inspector wrote the notices and affixed them to the threatened buildings, and took pictures of them before leaving the site.

In its notices, the occupation authorities demanded to immediately stop the construction work, under the pretext of starting it without a permit. They also set the date of 9/6/2022 as a date for holding a session of the so-called Inspection Subcommittee at its headquarters in the settlement of “Beit El” to discuss “the demolition of the building or the restoration of the place to its previous status”.

Table 1: Stop work notices by owner name, family member, area,  type of structure, year of construction and No. of military notice: 

Owner name

No. family members

Of whom children

Area M2

Type  of  target structure

Year of construction

No. of military notice


Muhammad Zarif Al-Jabari




Inhabited house



Fahad Nasser Al-Jabari




farm dwelling



Ibrahim Muhammed Makhamra




Livestock barn












On the other hand,  citizen, Samer Saleh Al-Jabari, also received a military notice to stop work in his agricultural residence which is still under construction on the pretext that the site of the building is an archaeological site. The notice demanded that he should get his house demolished,  otherwise, a complaint would be filed against him with the Israeli police. The target house is being built of bricks and reinforced concrete and roofed with tin sheets, with an area of about 50 m2.

Picture 4:  The threatened residence of the citizen, Samer Al-Jabari

It should be noted that the occupation authorities do not grant building permits for constructions established by Palestinian citizens in Area C, according to the Oslo Accords, despite their submission of the papers and documents required for this purpose. This hostile policy aims to control the largest possible area of the occupied land and keep it as a reserve stock for the illegal Israeli settlement expansion in full view of the international community, its governments and institutions that do not move a finger.


Prepared by
The Land Research Center


Categories: Military Orders