The Israeli Occupation Demolished an Agricultural facility in Jinsafut village / Qalqilya governorate

The Israeli Occupation Demolished an Agricultural facility in Jinsafut village / Qalqilya governorate


  • Violation: Demolishing an agricultural facility.
  • Location: Jinsafut village / Qalqilya governorate.
  • Date: April 5th 2021.
  • Perpetrators: The Israeli Civil Administration.
  • Victims: citizen Mohammed Sukar.


April 5th 2021, Monday, The Israeli Occupation forces raided the eastern part of Jinsafut village, and a civil bulldozer leveled a structure with a total area of 180 m2 used for selling construction materials .The targeted structure belongs to citizen Mahmoud Sukar from Jinsafut town.

Affected Citizen told LRC:

“I own a basic metal structure used for selling construction materials that provides a source of income for my family of 5. The structure was built in 2017 on a plot nearby the bypass road, I never received a halt of work order, or found any previous notices, my loss amounted to 70,000 shekels, (21,550 $) , which is devastating especially during these horrible times.”

Photos 1-4: Rubble of the targeted structure

During the past five years, 26 notices were served in the village of Jinsafut, in addition to demolishing a house and an agricultural structure on the pretext of building without a license, the occupation is imposing more restrictions on citizens and imposing realities that prohibit development in the Palestinian communities. On the other hand, it refuses to give licenses for any new structures at the village.

Jinsafut village:[1] 

It is located 15 kilometers south east of the city of Qalqilia. Its total area is 8,659 dunums including the 218 dunums build-up area. Its population is estimated to be 2,500 with an unemployment rate reaching up to 78 %. The village is a victim of Israeli colonies as more than 688 dunums were confiscated for the purpose of establishing and expanding the colonies of Neve Oraniem (538 dunums) and Karni Shamron (150 dunums). 




Prepared by
 The Land Research Center

Categories: Demolition