Violation: Halt rehabilitation work on an agricultural road.
Date: April 20-2018.
Location: Dura – Hebron governorate.
Description: The Israeli occupation civil administration.
Victims: Dura farmers.
Vehicles from the Israeli occupation forces and army raided Al-Abed area where a new agricultural road is being rehabilitated and ordered to halt the process , on the pretext of working before getting proper licenses in area C according to Oslo convention.
The road is reported to have an area of 3 kilometers, and connects Dura to Deir Samit ,it leads to 3000 agricultural dunums, the rehabilitation project is being implanted by Dura municipality and the ministry of agriculture.
Workers in the rehabilitation project asserted that the civil administration said that settlers of “Negohot” reported that Palestinians are carrying out rehabilitation work in area C and asked to stop that.
Noteworthy, Settlers of “Negehot” attack and terrorize farmers of the area, and use their lands as postures, which cause destruction to the crop.
The Land Research Center