Colonists attack a house in Birin Hamlet in Bani Na’im village

Colonists attack a house in Birin Hamlet in Bani Na’im village


Violation: attacking a Palestinian residence

Location: Birin area- Bani Na’im village

Date:  October 07, 2015

Perpetrators: Israeli colonists

Victims: family of Na’im Azazmih


 A group of fanatic colonists on October 07, 2015 attacked the house of citizen Na’im Azazmih in the area of Birin that is relative to Bani Na’im village. Colonists threw stones on the house, causing partial damage.

The wife of Azazmih said that five colonists on the morning of Friday came to the house and started cursing and yelling out profanity slogans. Other colonists pelted the house with stones causing the solar panels to shatter. 

The groups also tossed plastic barrels (founded in the house yard) on the ground, broke them and sabotaged a shade cloth.



Photos 1-4: signs of the colonists’ attack on the house

The wife also asserted that the attack was carried out under the watchful eyes of Israeli troops, who were waiting by a shrine that was established by the colonists in the area since 15 years ago. It should be marked that colonists usually render visits to this place to carry out some religious rituals where they ban Palestinians from being present in the area at times.

Photo 5: the shrine in 2010

Noteworthy, the attack lasted for 10 minutes before the colonists fled the scene by their car that was parked next to the targeted house.


Birin hamlet:

It is located to the southwest of Bani Na’im village and is inhabited by 300 people. The hamlet is edged by Bani Haiver colony from the east and the bypass road no. 60 from the west. Residents of the area were expelled from Negev area and now depend on agriculture and livestock husbandry as main sources of income. The hamlet accommodates one only primary school (1st- 7th grades). Birin (two water wells) was named after two water wells founded in the area.

Photo 6: a view of the hamlet



Prepared by
 The Land Research Center

Categories: Settlers Attacks