The industrial zone” Binyamin”; a source of pollution to the Palestinian nature

The industrial zone” Binyamin”; a source of pollution to the Palestinian nature


Violation: polluting the Palestinian nature
Location: the villages of Mukhmas and Jaba' / Jerusalem
Perpetrators: Binyamin colonists     

Victims: residents of Mukhmas


The colonists of Binyamin, which is located on lands of Jaba' and Mukhmas, have been pumping untreated wastewater into the valleys that surround the industrial zone , leading to Mukhmas.

The lens of the LRC field observation team documented on 10/09/2014 colonists pumping untreated wastewater into the valleys that stream 2km west of Mukhmas. As a result, more than 40dunums of unused agricultural lands were badly affected. Since the area is used for herding sheep and livestock, this became seriously dangerous on the human health for people consume the dairy products and the meat, which can transfer fetal diseases and illnesses.

Nature destruction and rodents spread :

At time the whole world seeks to achieve the so-know environmental balance and clean environment, the Israeli occupation is conducting an approach that seeks to destroy the Palestinian nature and spread diseases in the area.

The untreated wastewater that comes out from Binyamin industrial zone contains a high percentage of chemicals. Obviously, untreated wastewater creates an environment  for flies and rodents, which spread and cause several abdominal and skin epidemic diseases ,not mentioning  its harm on the soil and the surrounding nature.


Photos1-2 : Binyamin untreated wastewater streaming in the valleys

Mukhmas under imminent danger:

It should be marked that the village council of Mukhmas during 2014 submitted many objections to the Israeli side through the Israeli District Cooperation Office DCO  complaining about the hazards of the untreated wastewater on human and nature.

As usual, the occupation responded with promises ,lies in other words, that  there are some plans for establishing a sewage network in the colony. on the real ground, the problem is getting worse and no solutions andor initiatives are taken.

It should be marked that the industrial zone( established in 1991) includes several commercial complexes in addition to a number of factories of (detergents, rubber, furniture).

Building a new factory inside the colony:

The area of Binyamin is witnessing the establishment of four factories to be added to the set of factories in the zone. The occupation is offering awards and incentives for colonists and investors such like marketing facility, tax and customs reductions, and services availability. This enforces building more industrial zones and expands the colonization in the areas of the West Bank by the unlimited support of the occupation.


Photos3+4: the newly established factories

It should be also  mentioned that the colony of Giv'at Binyamin established in 2013 new factories on the lands of Jaba' and Mukhmas. For further information about the industrial zone of "Binyamin", please read through the LRC report issued in 2013 under the title of ( establishing new factories and commercial complexes in Binyamin, click here)


Photos 5-6: factories at time of construction in 2013




Prepared by
 The Land Research Center


Categories: Environment