“Israeli Occupation: A Business Enterprise”
The case of Magnetic Cards and Permits of Entry to Israel

“Israeli Occupation: A Business Enterprise” <br> The case of Magnetic Cards and Permits of Entry to Israel


 "Israeli Occupation: A Business Enterprise "
The case of Magnetic Cards and Permits of Entry to Israel 

Prepared by: Issa Smeirat
Edited by: ARIJ team



The flow of thousands of workers from the Occupied Palestinian Territories to work in the Israeli market is increasing significantly since the year 1967. This flow benefited the Palestinian economy as a whole, where workers can earn more money in comparison to the same type of work done inside the Palestinian territories. However, recent studies and research analyzed the cost of the Israeli Occupation on Palestine, but this study gives further and in-depth understanding of the Israeli financial returns achieved through issuing Permits and Magnetic cards that allow Palestinians to work in the Israeli market. This paper aims at answering the following question: What is the financial return achieved by Israel f rom issuing permits and magnetic cards for the Palestinians, or what is their benefit?  






Categories: Israeli Violations