Deporting Villagers of Yarza and al Mayta for Israeli MIlitary Trainings

Deporting Villagers of Yarza and al Mayta for Israeli MIlitary Trainings


  • Violation: deporting around 200 people.
  • Location: Yarza and al Mayta – northern Jordan Valley.
  • Date: June 6, 2012.
  • Perpetrators: the Israeli Occupation Army.
  • Victims: villagers of Yarza and al Mayta.


Since the Israeli Occupation of the West Bank in 1967, the Israelis set the Jordan Valley area as its eastern state borders and they have been carrying out plans to ensure that. The Israelis placed numerous colonies, whether agricultural or residential in the area and have allocated huge budgets for the expansion and development of these colonies. At the same time, the Israelis made the Palestinian lives harder; they prohibited construction and hindered development by preventing laying infrastructure, confiscated rangelands, and even took over water sources. In addition, they deemed the nomad's dwellings there illegal and unrecognizable.

On June 6, 2012, the Israeli Occupation Authorities ordered the eviction of 128 people, residents of Yirza and 67 others, residents of Mayta in order to clear the area for military trainings.

Picture 1: a military vehicle making sure that the area is cleared


Picture 2-3: deported Palestinians


 Picture 4-5: tracks of tanks


Ahmad al Mallah, legal advisor in Tubas Governorate, said: 'it is clear that the Israelis have set their eyes on the Palestinian existence here; all their measures are considered a crime against humanity; it is a breach of the International Laws which calls for the defense of civilians in war time.

However, the occupier is getting full support of the international community who watches in silence, unable to take any decisions that favor the Palestinians'. It must be noted that such an attack has happened several times before.

Picture 6: 'Cobra' military encampment in the heart of the Jordan Valley


It is clear that the Israelis are working day and night to reduce the Palestinian existence in the area; they are trying to break their will and force them to evacuate the area. Every year, Israeli skirmishes take place in different areas of the West Bank with the sole purpose of hitting agriculture hard by ravaging fields and crops, consequently, damaging people's income.



Prepared by
 The Land Research Center