The Monthly report on Israeli violations in the occupied city of Jerusalem -February 2012

The Monthly report on Israeli violations in the occupied city of Jerusalem -February  2012
Forcing a Palestinian to demolish his shop in Silwan:
On February 1, 2012, Akram al Abbasi was forced to demolish his workshop in Wadi Hilwa in Silwan. The owner said that he received an irrevocable demolition order from the Israeli Municipality in the Occupied City which claimed that the structure was unlicensed. He was given the choice of demolishing it himself or the Municipality does on his own expense.
The Israeli Municipality demolishes a residence and a shed in Beit Hanina:
On Thursday, February 9, 2012, the Israeli Municipality demolished a residence and a shed in Wadi al Dam in Beit Hanina. The structures were the property of Izz ad Din abu Nijma (61) who was left homeless alongside his 12-member-family.
The Israeli forces breached a number of agreements and conventions by demolishing the residence, that includes article 53 of the Geneva Fourth Convention stating: ‘Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or cooperative organizations, is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.’
The Israelis demolish a residence in As Suwwana:
On February 13, 2012, Israeli troops accompanied by a dozer broke into As Suwwana and commenced the demolition of Ahmad al Baghdadi (34) 85-m2-residence.
Ahmad is divorced and lived in the house along his 3-year-old son.
Covered by darkness… the Israeli Occupation Army demolishes two residences in Jaba’:
On February 26, 2012, Israeli dozers demolished Mousa and Ahmad Ka’abna (brothers) residences in Jaba’. The Israelis claimed that the reason for demolition is that residency is illegal in the designated area and the houses are unlicensed.
Mousa Ka’abna stated: ‘at around 4:00 pm, Israeli troops wandered around our residences without talking to us. 7 hours later, we heard the engines of the Israeli vehicles approaching; they came to demolish my brother, Ahmad (married with four children) residence. They brought with them an officer of the Civil Administration, and an official of the nearby Adam colony. They surrounded the house and forbade anyone from approaching. They also threatened my brother of arrest if he resisted.’
The loss of the two families is estimated to be around 50,000 ILS. The families are now residing in tents offered by UNRWA. It is worthy to mention that the Israelis demolished two sheds and a residence in the same area. Al Ka’abna have been dwelling the area since the 1970’s, long before the establishment of Adam colony which has been devouring Palestinian lands since the placement of its cornerstone. Mousa said: ‘it does not matter how much pressure they impose on us; if they demolished our residences or arrested us, we will never leave this land’.
Plowing and Demolitions: Israeli troops demolish a playground and a cultural café in Wadi Hilwa:
At 6:30 am, on Monday February 13, 2012, the Israeli Police laid siege on Wadi Hilwa – Silwan and blocked all its entrances. Moments later, a dozer broke into Wadi Hilwa 800-m2 playground and ravaged it alongside a cultural café in the area. Around 50 policemen, officers of the Israeli Municipality, officer of the Israeli EPA, and some masked men were observing the demolition.
Colonization and Confiscation: Confiscating lands in As Suwwana:
On February 13, 2012, the Israeli Municipality in the Occupied City confiscated lands in As Suwwana in order to turn in into yet another ‘Talmudic park’. At around 11:30, an Israeli dozer headed to the site and knocked down the wall surrounding the 3-dunum-plot and placed tens of sand and dirt bags in the plot rendering it unusable.
Samir Farouj, the owner, and his family gathered in the plot with a number of Palestinians. They captured one of the EPA’s vehicles before the Police showed up. Munir Jaber, the officer in charge, told the owner that he must head to the police station for clarifications but ensured that the state has the ‘right’ to confiscate land as it finds appropriate.Soon afterwards, an officer of the Israeli Occupation Land Department showed up and said that ‘this land has been confiscated for the sake of building a new Talmudic park’.Aggressions on Religious Sites: ‘we will Crucify you‘…’death to Christianity
Slogans written on the walls of the Baptist Church in the Occupied City:
On February 20, 2012, radical Jews wrote offensive slogans on the walls of the Baptist Church in Jerusalem. The slogans were signed ‘price tag’. Price tag is a group of radical Jews who have been attacking and defiling sacred Muslim and Christian sites all around the West Bank. They inscribed slogans offending Jesus Christ and Virgin Mary as well as threats the likes of ‘we will crucify you’ and ‘death to Christianity’.
They also flattened the tires of three cars parked near the church. It is the second attack committed by the same groups in days; on February 7, 2012, they wrote offensive slogans on the walls of the Monastery of the Cross. The same group had also defiled Maman Allah Cemetery and Ukasha Mosque in the past months.
The Latin Patriarch Church labeled the act ‘terrorist’ and that it hits the heart of Christianity with all the hatred involved. It also demanded finding the perpetrators and punishing them.
It must be noted that various radical groups have been attacking Palestinian properties in areas occupied in 1948 by torching, damaging, and/or writing offensive and discriminative slogans. Whenever such an attack takes place, the Israeli police promise to find the doers but never care to do. The question here is what if this was an Israeli synagogue? Will it be the same reaction and response or they will probably wave the hollow ‘anti-Semitism’ banner all around the world!!!
Numerous Attacks on Al Aqsa Mosque:
Al Aqsa Mosque has been facing day-to-day aggressions and raids lately. All were committed by radical racist Jews and led by the Israeli right-wing parties. All of these raids are done in preparation for the knocking down of the mosque and the construction of the so-called temple on its ruins. On February 12, 2012, the Israeli ‘Likud’ party called for breaking into the Mosque to ensure their control on the so-called ‘mount Temple’ and to prepare for the construction of the temple.
The breach was headed by Moshe Piglin, a member of the Likud party who recently competed for the leadership of the party.
The announcement that was published through various broadcasting agencies and websites said:Together, and with thousands of Participants, and by the supervision of Moshe Piglin, we invite you for climbing mount temple to ensure our control and to cleanse the site from the land thieves, we will fearlessly build the holy house (the temple) on the ruins of the Mosque.
Mohammad Husein, the Mufti of Jerusalem warned of this provocative act that will defile the purity and holiness of Al Aqsa Mosque knowing that this comes from the ruling party in the so-called Israel.
On February 15, 2012, 13 Israeli soldiers, including high ranking officers broke into Al Aqsa Mosque courtyard under the protection of the Israeli Police and had a tour with their guide. One of the ‘protectors’ of the Mosque who has been there since dawn said: ‘these raids by colonists or soldiers in their uniform are extremely provocative and done with the purpose of showing who has the power! Few days ago, there were calls by the Likud Party and some Women Clubs to break into the Mosque; however, the intensive presence of my Palestinian brethrens deemed their plans to fail. I believe that they are testing the Palestinians dedication for the protection of one of the most sacred sites in the world’.
On February 19, 2012, more calls for breaking into the mosque echoed in the skies. In the early morning hours, the Israeli Police blocked the entrances of the Old City and Al Aqsa Mosque. A thorough ID check was performed on everyone getting into the Mosque besides keeping their IDs in their custody.
At 8:45 am, the Israeli Police allowed some radical Jews into the Courtyard which enraged the people in the Mosque, they responded by throwing rocks on them. Minutes later, Police officers surrounded the Palestinians in the Mosque and impeded them with sound and teargas grenades. They physically abused some and arrested 15 others.
On February 21, 2012, the Israeli Police disallowed any Palestinian man, less than 50 years of age, to enter the mosque. Later, they allowed 22 colonists to break into the mosque under their protection. Clashes erupted between female worshippers and the Israeli Police which arrested 4 of them. On the next day, calls echoed in Kiryat Arbaa colony for a demonstration in the old city.
They offered free bus rides to people to break into the mosque and ‘pray’ within its walls. The police ordered the Palestinian shopkeepers to close their doors when the demonstration passes. At around 9:30, colonists were calling for collecting money for the construction of the so-called temple.
On February 23, 2012, the Israeli Police allowed 36 of Kiryat Arbaa colonists into the Mosque through two gates and blocked three other gates in the face of Palestinians. The colonists plan failed due to the fact that some Palestinians managed to spend the night at the mosque and succeeded in defending it. In response, the Israeli Police waited for those at the gates and arrested around hundred man, women, and elderly.
On Friday, February 24, 2012, clashes erupted between the Israeli Police and Muslims after the Friday prayer. The Israeli police showered the protestors with sound and teargas grenades and physically abused some. Many injuries occurred among the Palestinians who tried to defend themselves by impeding the Police with rocks. Soon afterwards, the clashes spread to the neighborhoods of the Old City and all around Jerusalem where the Police used rubber bullets, teargas, etc. The clashes lasted till night and resulted in the murder of Tal’at Ramya (25) who was shot in the chest and a number of injuries due to suffocation and rubber bullets.
Aggressions against Individuals: Playing with Grenades:
On February 12, 2012, a police officer intentionally threw a sound grenade towards Rami Obaid who was with his wife, 3-year-old Rafif and 6-month-old Hadi. Rami stated to an LRC observer: ‘I was going to my in-laws place when I saw the Police clashing with some young men in Al ‘Isawiyya. I did not want my children to inhale teargas so I decided to turn back. I was carrying Rafif and we headed to the car. There was a police car and four officers pointing their rifles at the protesters and when they saw us one of them threw a sound grenade at me. He was 5 meters away and he could see that I am with my family and that I am carrying my little girl. The grenade hit me in the nose and blew.My nose was cracked and it started bleeding badly; I heard my daughter crying, she was terrified. I walked towards the Policemen and asked them, cant you see I am holding my daughter?                 
 But they pushed me away.’ ‘I was taken to Mount Olive Hospital for treatment before being transferred to Hadassa Hospital. I remained in the hospital for 3 days and I still find it hard to breathe’. Rafif said: ‘the soldiers hit my dad, they threw a bomb on us, he was full of blood and I was terrified.
Israeli troops raid: Israeli troops raided al ‘Isawi residence in Al ‘Isawiyya during the clashes on February 12, 2012.
Shereen al ‘Isawi, a 33-year-old lawyer, described the incident, she said: ‘at around 4:00 pm, I went back him during the clashes between Palestinian young men and the Israeli Police. When I got into the house, my mom, my sister in law, and her children were there. The children were crying because of the sound. I looked out of the window and I saw three Police cars and a policeman pointing his rifle at the protesters. I went out and told him to move away because I do not want our house to be impeded with rocks. He started screaming while walking towards me; he was asking who do you think you are to tell me to move away? I can get into the house if I wanted to.
Meanwhile, three other policemen including gthe commanding officer ran towards me and asked what is happening, so I told him. He then said that he wanted to get into the house because there might be someone hiding in there.  He tried to open the door but my sister in law locked it, apparently she was scare. They brought an iron rod to pull the door open when they found that the back door is unlocked.
A policeman opened the door for them from the inside. When they got in, one of them hit my head on the wall, he did it five times; my mother saw it and she screamed and then someone hit her with the iron rod. They kept beating us until my brother Shadi (31) came in and asked ‘what is this? What is happening here?’ then they attacked him before taking him and I into custody.
The Police precinct in Al ‘Isawiyya refused to take us in due to the amount of injuries; I heard one of the officers in the precinct saying that  he will not be responsible for such an arrest. Then they took us to the Police precinct in Saladin Road, a masked Police unit was waiting for us there, unit 245 as I heard them saying on the radio. They received us with beating and I could see 9 other detainees.
They started interrogating me and accused me of obstructing ‘Justice’. They released me at 3:30 am of the next day and ordered me to 5 days of house arrest and penalized me an amount of 5000 ILS. As for my brother, he was sent to a detention center and was released two days later. When I got home, I was told that my mom was taken to Hospital because of bruises and cuts knowing that my mom is diabetic and suffers from Osteoporosis’.
The brutal attack on Al ‘Isawi family was intended to recapture Samer al ‘Isawi, Shereen’s brother who was released during the latest exchange of prisoners. Samer spent 10 years out of a total of 30, which was the verdict he initially received.
The Israelis are used to breach agreements, international conventions, and laws. They intend to re-arrest the released prisoners knowing that they are trapped in their cities and unable to travel outside the country or even go to the West Bank.
Indications to the Israeli intent:
1.     Placing an Israeli Police car around the house.
2.     Shooting at protestors from within the house yard.
3.     Shadi was attacked and arrested on sight; they apparently thought that he was Samer.
Many of the family’s sons were imprisoned for years and Fadi (16) was shot dead while demonstrating in protest to the Ibrahimi Mosque massacre in 1994.
Children awaken by soldiers attacking their father:
On February 15, 2012, Israeli Police unit attacked Yaser Mnayer (46) at his doorstep before following him in the house and arresting him.
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Categories: Monthly Report