Ravaging 47 Olive Trees in Bitillo – Ramallah Governorate

Ravaging 47 Olive Trees in Bitillo – Ramallah Governorate
Violation: ravaging 47 olive trees.
Location: Wad al Zarqa valley, northern Bitillo.
Perpetrators: Halmish colonists.
Victims: farmers of Bitillo.
Date: October 25, 2011.
On October 25, 2011, farmers were filing into their lands preparing to start their olive picking season. The farmers were shocked to see a total of 47 trees were ravaged by Israeli colonists. The colonists used saws and axes to cut tree branches before scattering them around the area. Obviously, the colonists have taken advantage of the site closeness to the colony as well as the protection, probably supervision, of the Israeli Occupation Army soldiers filling the area. Such an attack reflects the kind of mentality these extremists have; a mentality that spares no one and no thing.
Bitillo is located 19 km to the north west of Ramallah; it is considered the largest village, are-wise, in Ramallah Governorate. The village is edged by Bir Zeit (east), An Nabi Saleh (north), Ras Karkar and Al Janya (south), and the ‘Green Line’ (west). Around 4500 people inhabit the village, mostly youth.
The village is known for planting olives, prunes, figs, and citrus. More than 2000 dunums of the village lands are suitable for cultivation.The village total area is 13419 dunums including 5825 dunums of water fed plants and 2500 dunums of olive fields.

Categories: Settlers Attacks