Destroying 3 Residential Tents in Susiya south of Yatta – Hebron

Destroying 3 Residential Tents in Susiya south of Yatta – Hebron
On November 24, 2011, the Israeli Occupation Authorities demolished 3 residential tents in Susiya, property of Mohammad Mighnem.Mighnem stated to an LRC observer that Israeli troops accompanied by a dozer broke into Susiya from the west and started the demolition.

Picture 1-6: the tents rubble
He pointed that he bought the tents 5 months ago to use them as a shelter for his family. He said that he received 3 previous stop-work and demolition orders.
Picture 7-9: notifications
The tents total area is 55 m2 while the largest is 30 m2 which was used as a shelter for the 15-member-family. The other tents were used as storages for fodder and cereals. The Israeli Authorities target Susiya in order to force the residents out of the area to use it for colonial expansion.The Israeli Authority completely wiped off the nearby Um Nir at the beginning of the year.
The Land Research Center – LRC views the Israeli Occupation Authorities demolitions of houses and property as a breach and an act of defiance of all the international agreements and conventions including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Geneva Fourth Convention article 53 stating ‘Any destruction by the Occupying Power of real or personal property belonging individually or collectively to private persons, or to the State, or to other public authorities, or to social or cooperative organizations, is prohibited, except where such destruction is rendered absolutely necessary by military operations.’ As well as article 47 stating: ‘Protected persons who are in occupied territory shall not be deprived, in any case or in any manner whatsoever, of the benefits of the present Convention by any change introduced, as the result of the occupation of a territory, into the institutions or government of the said territory, nor by any agreement concluded between the authorities of the occupied territories and the Occupying Power, nor by any annexation by the latter of the whole or part of the occupied territory.’


Categories: Demolition