The Israeli bulldozers are in motion in Nahhalin Village

The Israeli bulldozers are in motion in Nahhalin Village
The Israeli occupation Bulldozers commenced on the first of April 2009 the construction of a new bypass road on lands of Nahhalin village southwest of Bethlehem city.

The work on the road came according to a previous Israeli military order holding number 29/08/T and states the confiscation of 10.2 dunums of lands of Nahhalin village for the construction of a new bypass road that will link Geva’ot settlement with Betar Illit.  Upon completion, the road will cause the isolations of thousands of dunums of Nahhalin village lands and land owners will not be able to access their lands for agricultural purposes. For more details, click here
Map 1: Lands trageted by the Israeli Military Order

Photo 5 & Photo 6: Maps provided by the Israeli Military Forces

Categories: Agriculture