Demolition of a house and two stores in Qalqilyia District

Demolition of a house and two stores in Qalqilyia District

As a continuation of the Israeli repressive actions in Qalqiliya district, , the Israeli occupation forces demolished two Palestinian houses in Qalqiliya district under the pretext of un-licensing. The demolitions were as followed:

1.     The house of Mr. Yasser Ahamd Ar Rubu' which is located in the southern side of the village of Al Funduq to the east of Qalqiliya city. The house, which was under construction at the time of demolition, is located about 30 meters from the main colonial road linking the settlement of Kedumim with the Green Line. The Israeli occupation forces claimed that the house was built in contrary to the village planning scheme and that the owner had no land proofs. Nevertheless, the house, according to Oslo agreement, is located in area A which is supposed to be under the complete Palestinian jurisdiction. The house is also situated within the village built up area. Moreover, the parcel on which the house was built is privately owned by Mr. Yasser who holds proper land ownership documents. He believes that his house was demolished in response to demands by settlers traveling on the road. See map 1: location of Al Fundug and Jinsafut – Qalqiliya governorate.     

2.     Constructions at the house were suspended in the year 1997 by an Israeli court order. Afterwards, the owner of the house embarked on the very long process of the licensing measures which unsuccessfully ended in the year 2000 as a result of Israeli complications. During the same year, a demolition order was issued against the house. The owner appealed to the Israeli high court, but no avail. On July 26, 2005, the house was demolished without prior warning.

3.     The two stores of Mr. Tayseer Yusif Abdul Qader Eid from Jinsafut village which were demolished under the pretext of its location close to a bypass road. The demolished stores occupy an area of 84 mÃ�² and were built two years before the 1967 war.  In an interview with LRC field worker, Mr. Tayseer said the following: 'In June, 2005, I was given a demolition notification issued by the Israeli occupation forces on the basis that the two stores are located near the bypass road and constitute a security threat, although, they were used for storing food stuff and no one was living in there. On July, 26, 2005, the two stores were demolished'. See Photo 1 & 2 

Photo 1 & Photo 2: The demolition process of the house of Mr. Yasser Ar Rubu' from Al Funduq.

Additional demolition orders

At the beginning of this month (August 2005), the Israeli occupation forces distributed more demolition orders against a number of barracks and animal sheds in the village of Jinsafut under the pretext of un-licensing. The targeted barracks and sheds are owned by poor Palestinian families who resorted to animal breeding after loosing their workplaces inside Israeli as a result of the continued Israeli closures. They are located at the edge of the village of Jinsafut and constitute no security threat whatsoever, according to their owners.


Prepared by
The Land Research Center


Categories: Demolition