The Israeli campaign of house demolition in Occupied Jerusalem during the year 2003

The Israeli campaign of house demolition in Occupied Jerusalem during the year 2003


A Palestinian family on the rubble of their destroyed house



Israel escalated its policy of house demolition in Jerusalem district during the 2003. The number of demolished houses and other structures in Jerusalem reached a record number during last year. This policy is part of Israel's repressive trend towards the Palestinian people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which aims at expelling all Palestinians out of their land.

The city of Jerusalem and the surrounding areas took escalated its demolition campaigns, which came as part of the Israeli Judization process of the city based on emptying the city of its Palestinian inhabitants. The following report highlights the Israeli eviction, demolition, closure and seizure of Palestinian houses during the year 2003.

Facts and figures:-

Concerning the city of Jerusalem, LRC field workers documented the demolition, closure, seizure and evacuation of 171 housing units during 2003 divided as follows: 

  • 142 housing units demolished under the pretexts of un-licensing;

  • 12 housing units demolished for security claims.

  • 1 housing unit sealed for security claims;

  • 5 housing units forcibly seized by Israeli settlers;

  • 11 housing units were forcibly evacuated under the pretext of being too old.

The total number of rooms destroyed, closed, seized or evacuated in these housing units reached to 660. The number of family members affected by the Israeli policy was 996, including 553 children. The total area of the destroyed, closed, seized and evacuated units was 21067 meters square. In addition, the following demolitions also took place:

  • 17 barracks, of which, some were used by Bedouins;

  • 800 square meters of walls;

  • 5 of the demolished housing units were destroyed for the second time while one housing unit was destroyed for the fourth time.

The total number of people indirectly affected by the aforementioned acts of demolition, closure, seizure and evacuation is 1800 person.

Table No. (1): Statistics ofHouse demolition in Jerusalem during the year 2003under the pretext of un- licensing by name of owner, date of demolition, location, area, number of housing units and number of family members and children living in the house.  click here to download Table 1: list of owners. Source: Statistics of LRC 2003

Table (1)  shows that the Israeli authority demolished a total of 26 housing units during the 21 days of actual wartime against Iraq (March 20th until April 9th/ 2003).  An average of more than one house per day is considered a significant number in the history of house demolition in Jerusalem. This number reflects the Israeli exploitation of wartime against Iraq.

Table No. (2): Statistics of House demolition and closure in Jerusalem for security pretexts by name of owner, date of demolition, location, area, number of housing units and number of family members and children  

Name of owner







Family Mem.



Ahamd Taher Hashima



Opening fire from house





Wisam Sa'id Abbasi



Son arrested





Ala' Eddin Abbasi



Son arrested





Wail Mahmud Qasem



Son arrested





Mohammed Izhaq Odeh



Son arrested





Eid Ramadan Mashahra


As Sawahrah Ash Sharqiya

Son arrested





Mustafa Mohammed Abdullha Hasan



Son arrested





Samira Adel Sa'ada


Mt. olives

Son arrested





 Source: Statistics of LRC 2003

Photo 1

 Photo 1: Israeli big hammers destroyed a Palestinian house in the village of Sur Baher

Photo courtesy of LRC


Chart 1: Number of demolished houses during the Year 2003 


The chart above shows the sharp increase in house demolitions during the two months of March and April, during the war against Iraq. See photo 2


Photo 2: The wreckage of a Palestinian house in Beit Hanina
Photo courtesy of  LRC


Detailed examples and eyewitness reports of house demolition campaigns in Jerusalem city during the year 2003 

1.      A destructive attack against Sur Baher, Az Zua'im and Qatanah villages

On April 3rd, 2003, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) started the demolition of 13 Palestinian housing units, 10 of which are in Sur Baher city located in the southeastern part of Jerusalem district, one in Al Salam quarter in Anata village north of the old city of Jerusalem, one in Al Zua'im village east of the old city and another in Qatanah village north west of the city. During the demolition process, Israeli bulldozers also demolished walls and yards in the vicinity of destroyed houses. The total area of the destroyed housing units is 1610 square meters, while the total area of walls and yards is 2540 square meters. The demolition campaign was executed under the protection of border guards, police troops and 6 bulldozers.

When the Israeli forces reached the town of Sur Baher they split into two groups: the first headed towards Wadi Al Humus where they demolished 6 housing units in four buildings and the second group headed to Al Muntar quarter where they demolished another 4 housing units.  On the same day, the Israeli demolition squads went to Al Zua'im, Anata and Qatanah villages to demolish three other houses. 

2. House demolished for the fourth consecutive time

The house of Mr. Salim Hasan Shawamreh in Anata village, Al- Salam quarter was demolished for the forth time consecutively under the pretext of un- licensing where the Israeli intent is to build a settlement road to link between the city center and the settlement of Adem to the southeast of the old city of Jerusalem passing by the eastern edge of Al Issawiya Palestinian neighborhood.

Although the land is owned by Palestinians, no one is allowed to build on it and the Israeli authority is reluctant to do any master plan to decide the built up area and the course of the projected road. The municipality of occupied Jerusalem denied Mr. Salim his right to build on his own land. The denial is very well reflected in the continuous demolition of his house, the most recent of which was on April 3rd, 2003. The previous demolitions took place on the following dates: July 9th1998, August 3ed 1998 and April 4th 2001''. See photo 3 

Photo 3: A Palestinian owner pointing to the ruins of his house in the village of Al- Zua'im 

Photo courtesy of LRC  

3. A similar destructive attack against Issawiya

On April 6th, 2003, Israeli bulldozers and digger machines demolished 10 houses in Al Issawiya village with a total area of 1310 meters square housing more than 34 people including 20 children.

At 7:30 AM, a huge Israeli demolition squad comprised of special task forces, policemen and border guards accompanied by two bulldozers and a big digger machine stormed the village of Issawiya from its eastern entrance. Immediately after arrival, they closed all village entrances and started knocking down the houses of Darwish, Muheisen, Dar and Dari families. The four families had pursued legal process by objecting the demolition orders at the municipality court on January 1st.2003, then to the magistrate court, and lastly to the Supreme court. Unfortunately, the demolition orders were issued under pressure made by the municipality of occupied Jerusalem.

The four families didn't only loose their houses, but, they were ordered by the Israeli Supreme court to pay a penalty after they had lost the case. Additionally, the families have to pay the lawyers' fees. The total value of material losses is estimated at 5.2 million NIS. The demolitions took place under the pretext that the targeted houses were built inside the ''Green Line'' which is allowed for Jewish exclusive construction. 

The over all number of houses demolished in Issawiya during the period of January 1st 1986 and April 6th, 2003 is about 63, in addition to 19 tents were destroyed. The Palestinian construction in Al Issawiya is a prime target of Israeli consecutive governments due to its closeness to Israeli residential and educational centers such as the Hebrew University and the French hill. 

4.     Israeli forces attack Palestinian owners

Live bullets and tear gas canisters were used to quell Palestinian house owners in the two villages of Sur Baher and Issawiya who protested against the act of demolition. Israeli forces sought reactions from local inhabitants by carrying out provocative and molesting attacks against them. See photo 4

 Photo 4: Israeli soldiers evict Palestinian out of their house prior demolition and psychically attack them

5.     A Palestinian family forced to demolish its house with its own hands and pay a fine

Under the pressure of need, I'seila family (10 members including 5 children) were obliged to add another structure to their 80 M2  small and crowded house located in the Chain gate inside the walls of the old city of Jerusalem to reduce congestion and resolve their housing problem. Following the completion of the construction, the Jerusalem municipality's court issued a decision on June 14th2003 according to which they were given two 'democratic' choices: the first, to demolish the house with our own hands, and the second, to let the municipality demolish the house for 50 000 NIS as demolition fees. The demolition deadline was on September 1st, 2003'.

The family was forced to pay 40 000 NIS as fine for building without license. In addition, the municipality court fined the family another 2000 NIS for not removing the rubble of the house which was demolished on 13.7.2003 '.

6.     Municipality official refuses to obey court decision to stop demolition

On September 2nd, 2003, bulldozers of the municipality of occupied Jerusalem headed to the village of Sur Baher and demolished the house of Mr. Imad Dabash, from Sur Baher village in Jerusalem city under the pretext of un-licensing. The house whose total area was 200 M2 and hosted 6 family members including 4 children was built after it had failed to get a building license from the Jerusalem municipality.

The family lawyer managed to get a court decision calling for the suspension of demolition but the order was later refused by the municipality official who was in command of the demolition process and the house was knocked down.

7.     Two housing units demolished in the absence of occupants who were participating in a funeral

On 10.6.2003 bulldozers of Jerusalem municipality demolished two housing units owned by brothers Mohammed and Ra'id Abdul Rahman Abu Sneina in Beit Hanina quarter under the pretext of un-licensing. The area of the two destroyed housing units was 240 M2    and housing a total of 19 people, including 5 children lived in the flats. 

The two housing units were demolished in the absence of the family members who were taking part in a funeral of a family relative and knew nothing of the Israeli intention to destroy their houses. The two houses were destroyed with all contents and furniture inside.  

8.     Demolition of structures and businesses to make room for the construction of Separation Wall

The Israeli Occupation forces -IOF- destroyed an aluminum workshop and store owned by the sons of Mr. Mahmud Abu Faraha from Bir Nabala in the northern outskirts of Jerusalem. The demolition took place due to the house's location close to the Segregation Wall Path, despite the fact that the demolished structures were built many years before the construction of the Segregation Wall. The owners were given no enough time to evacuate the contents of the house and it was destroyed with all contents inside. The total estimated losses are 20000 US $.

On the same day, Israeli bulldozers destroyed 6 residential barracks belonging to Ka'banah tribe with a total area of 200 M2 and hosted 51 people including 32 children. In addition, two agricultural barracks were also demolished in the same area to make room for the construction of the Segregation Wall

9.     The destruction of two Palestinian houses to make room for the construction of rail way line in service of Israeli settlers.

Israeli Bulldozers demolished the 163 M2  house of Mr. Khalil Isa Aqel inhabited by two families and housing 7 members. One of the two families was made refugee twice, in 1948 when the family was dismissed out of its own house in Sheik Bader quarter of Lifta village west of Jerusalem; and on June 1st, 2003 when their rented house was destroyed.

The houses were evacuated from their Palestinian occupants one day before the actual demolition process took place. The main reason behind the demolition was to build a railway line to link between the Jewish neighbor hoods in the south and north of the city according to the Israeli ministry of transport and the municipality of occupied Jerusalem plan. The house owner stressed the fact that there are no other structures in the vicinity of the destroyed house which could allow for a detour of the rail way line.

10.   Demolitions performed without showing written orders:

The Israeli authority showed no written material to house owners prior to demolitions. Instead, a demolition operation took place with no attention to objections, suffering and screams of owners. The house owners applied for building licenses through the Israeli civil administration, but all their efforts were in vain.


Year 2003 witnessed demolition, closure, seizure and evacuation of the biggest number of housing units in Jerusalem during the past six years. This fact clearly shows the gradual increase of house demolition campaigns carried out by Israeli occupation bulldozers in Jerusalem, especially after the outbreak of the second Intifada in September 2000.

Table No. (4): House demolition, closure and seizure during the past 5 years 


House demolition

Barrack demolition

Tent demolition

House closure

House seizure

Eviction under the pretext of being old



















































 Source: LRC Statistics 2003


Prepared by
The Land Research Center

Categories: Demolition