Segregating Rantis village lands

Segregating Rantis village lands

On the 23 June 2002, the Israeli government endorsed a plan to build the so-called 'Security wall' running into the full length of the west bank, and is expected to be completed by year 2005. Based on ARIJ satellite images, this Segregation Wall has already annexed vast areas of Palestinian agricultural lands containing approximately 57 Israeli settlements inhabited by almost 300,000 Israeli settlers. About (385.000) Palestinians will be effectively isolated and most of the West Bank's fertile lands are under the threat of confiscation. See Map of the Segregation Wall.



Rantis village, to the northwest of Ramallah district, is a typical example of the Israeli violations in the West Bank where most of its lands will be confiscated for the construction of the Segregation Wall. The village is inhabited by approximately 2500 residents most of whom depend on agriculture as their main source of income.  


In 1967 the Israeli forces confiscated most of the agricultural lands in the village for colonizing purposes and hundreds of olive trees were razed. Now the village of Rantis is surrounded by a set of settlements and military areas, of which Ofrim Settlement lies to the east of the village and a military area lies to the northwest of the village.  See Map of Rantis Village.


Currently, the Segregation Wall will cause the confiscation of about 680 dunums of Rantis village. The Israeli forces informed the villagers that 862 dunums of their agricultural lands will be confiscated for the construction of the Segregation Wall according to the military order number (03/69/T Judea & Samaria 2003) that was distributed late in October and stated the annexation of those lands for military purposes and security reasons. The order shows the blocks and parcels of land to be confiscated. See copy of military order. Page 1 & & Page 2 of the military order.



 This confiscation of the land will severely affect the village of Rantis where most of its lands are cultivated by olive trees; thus, a huge number of olive trees will be razed. The planned Segregation Wall will steal the village's lands and seal off the city from its agricultural lands. Most of the farmers depend totally on agricultural productions as a main source for their income. Now villagers will not be able to enter their farms and agricultural lands and therefore will have to search for alternative ways to earn a living which will increase the unemployment rate and hence increase poverty levels.

Another important impact forces Palestinians to apply for special permits to enter their farms as the Israelis announcing the areas as closed military areas and thus, people with permits are only allowed to access their lands.

 The confiscation of the land for the construction of the Segregation Wall is considered an illegal annexation as Israel is seeking to acquire this part of the Palestinian territory to include it in Israel.


Prepared by:
The Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem



Categories: Segregation