Violation: torching olive trees. Date: May 25, 2010. Violators: Asfar colonists. Victims: jawdat al Shalalda and...
Violation: Torching tens of dunums of agricultural lands. Location: Um al Qaba Parcel – Northern Jordan...
Violation: The ploughing of 14 dunums to enlarge the colony Shivot Raheil. Date: May 11th, 2010....
Violation: provocative marches, threatening letters. Date: April 5, 2010. Violators: 'Nihlat Sham'on' and 'Zafardim' colonial societies....
Violation: aggressions against Huwwara; closure of a road using earth mounds. Date: April 29, 2010. Violators:...
Violation: mosque set into fire. Date: May 4, 2010. Violators: herds of colonists. Victims: the main...
Violation: uprooting and cutting 13 olive trees (around 2 years old). Date: April 21, 2010. Violators:...
Violation: uprooting and cutting 35 olive trees (more than 30 years old) using saws and axes....
Violation: Torching a mobile phones shop. Date: April 27, 2010. Violators: the Israeli Occupation Army. Victims:...
Violation: The uprooting and stealing of 120 one-year-old olive trees. Date: April 18th, 2010. Violators: Israeli...
Violation: Dumping sewage and waste water into Palestinian agricultural lands. Date: April 22nd, 2010. Violator: The...
Violation: The uprooting and breaking of 350 olive trees and 35 grapes, fig and plum trees....
Violation: Land plowing and the uprooting of tens of olive and almond trees. Date: April 22nd,...
Pic 1: Bilal bin Rabah Mosque, which was targeted by Israeli settlers - Hawara Violation: Attacking...
The Violation: The uprooting of 15 olive trees in the town of Deir Istiya. Location: The...
The colonists of Ma’on (a colony established atop lands owned by Palestinians of Twani) uprooted a...
Violation: uprooting 27 olive trees. Location: south west Qaryut. Date: March 13, 2010. Violators:...
Violation: leveling 12 dunums of land, uprooting a number of trees, and torching a number of...
Violation: taking over a natural well in the village. Date: March 8, 2010. Location: Al Nwetif...
Violation: cutting down 40 olive trees using saws. Location: Albreis area, parcel 8 – Burin Village...
Violation: pumping Sha'are Tikva colony sewage towards 'Azzun 'Atma High School. Location: 'Azzun 'Atma – Qalqiliya....
Beit Ummar Town and Khirbet Safa have been a regular target for the Israeli...
Violation: uprooting more than 100 olive seedlings, plowing of more than 13 dunums, and placing a...
Violation: planting trees in Palestinian fields in addition to the destruction of a vineyard. Location: Al...
Map1: an aerial picture showing the targeted Ballouta (The Oak) area Violation: various attacks including...
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