The Atuf community has witnessed a brutal assault by Israeli occupation Army, as they arbitrarily demolished several homes and barns. This latest outrages acts add to a long series of ongoing Israeli violations against the Palestinian people. These actions have resulted in the forced displacement of families, the destruction of property, and a growing sense of fear and instability within the local community.
In this latest act of aggression, Israeli Army targeted defenseless civilians by completely demolishing the home of the Palestinian resident Jarrah. The house, measuring just 30 square meters, consisted of two rooms and a kitchen covered with a plastic sheet. It served as the only shelter for a family of five. The Israeli authorities justified the demolition by claiming that the house was located in a proclaimed military zone.
The Israeli Army without hesitance carried out the demolition without any regard for the dire humanitarian conditions of the residents, leaving the family homeless in the middle of winter, in the harsh cold weather. For twenty days, they were forced to live in the open, exposed to harsh weather conditions, which severely affected their health, particularly that of the children.
Eventually, the Red Cross provided them with a small tent as temporary shelter, and neighbors contributed whatever they could to help to ease their suffering. The ordeal left deep psychological scars on the family, especially on the mother, who bear the responsibility of protecting her children and ensuring their basic needs were met.
The Israeli Army’s violations did not stop at demolishing the family’s home. They also targeted their primary source of livelihood, destroying two livestock pens that kept 100 sheep, including newborns. The destruction led to massive financial losses for the family, estimated at 15,000 shekels. The demolition process included tearing down the partitions, enclosures, and feeding stations that made up the structure of the pens. As a result, five sheep died from illness due to exposure to extreme conditions following the demolition.
Despite these hardships, Jarrah managed to secure a new shelter for his family, though it measures only 25 square meters. However, this came at a steep cost, as he was forced to sell part of his livestock to afford the new home. The remaining sheep were left exposed to the harsh winter conditions, leading to widespread illness and further suffering among them.
What happened to Jarrah and his family is a true humanitarian tragedy. They lost their home, their livelihood, and were subjected to severe psychological and physical distress. These crimes not only devastate individual families but also create a widespread sense of insecurity and instability across the community. To this day, Jarrah continues to struggle with the consequences of the destruction inflicted upon him and his family, fighting to hold onto his only remaining means of survival, like many other Palestinian farmers in the region.
About Atuf,
Atuf is located east of Tubas city, approximately 12 kilometers away. It is bordered by the Israeli settlement of Beka’ot to the east, the village of Yarza to the north, the town of Tamoun to the west, and the village of Nasariya to the south. The current population is estimated at 1,300 residents, with women making up approximately 46% and men 54% of the total population.
Prepared as part of the project:
“Mapping and Diagnosing Palestinian Rural Women’s Livelihood and Economic Empowerment in Area “C”
Implemented by: The Applied Research Institute-Jerusalem (ARIJ)
Prepared by:
The Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem