- Violation: Security demolition.
- Location: Kubar village – Northwest Ramallah.
- Date: May 11th 2020.
- Perpetrator: The Israeli Occupation forces.
- Victims: family of Qassam Al- Barghuthi.
Massive army forces accompanied by military bulldozers raided Kubar northwest Ramallah in May 11th 2020, and closed the neighborhood before carrying out demolishing the second floor of the house, the operation also resulted a damage in the first floor that belongs to the family of Qassams maternal aunt, the forces also uprooted four almond trees that surround the house and withdrew at 6:00 am.
The Israeli Occupation forces accuse Qassam and two other Palestinian youths of murdering an illegal female settlers and wounding other two settlers , through planting an explosive device in an illegal Israeli settlement in Deir Ibze’a in August 2019.
Reportedly, the targeted house composes of two floors (160 m2) for each, the first floor belongs to Qassam’s maternal aunt , while the second belongs to his mother , and he live in it with her, his brother’s Karmel wife and her two children (Qassam’s brother Karmel was also arrested by the Occupation Forces).
Since the Occupation arrested Qassam (20) in November 2019 , the occupation’s fanatic troops have been daily raiding the house and attacking the family, all of the family members were arrested and interrogated.
Last February, the occupation forces notified that house with a demolition order for security claims , the family filed a plea last April but the occupation refused it , and decided to demolish the house early this may.
Security demolition:
It should be marked that the order was issued in reference to the British Emergency Law of year 1945, taking into consideration that this law was abolished.
According to article 119 of that law, “Confiscation” of property means that the owner can not re-build structures in case of demolition. Land Research Center sees Israeli practices and measures as a collective punishment against the families of martyrs and prisoners. The occupation seeks to traumatize and humiliate Palestinian families through such practices.
The Israeli government claims such orders to be deterrent for Palestinians who carry out stabbing attacks. Such attacks come in response for colonists’ attacks on Palestinians, the latest of which was represented in torching a family alive, not mentioning running over kids and women, attacks on trees (torching , cutting down, robbing) and lands confiscation
The Land Research Center