- Violation: Vandalizing olive trees.
- Location: Turmusayya and Al-Mughayyir town – northwest Ramallah.
- Date : April 20 and 21- 2020.
- Perpetrator: Settlers of “Adei Ad”.
- Victims: Farmer Rabah Hazma , Sameer Hijaz, Jameel An-Na’asan.
Monday, April 20th 2020 , number of farmers got coordination from the occupation to access agricultural lands in Turmus’ayya and Al-Mughayyir to cultivate their lands. Noteworthy, the occupation only allows farmers to access their lands close to settlements during olive harvesting season and land blowing . But farmer Rabah Hazma (48) went to his land after receiving a permit from the occupation, and was shocked to see that settlers cut and vandalized 100 olive trees aging 35 years old , using sharp tools.
The targeted olive grove is 300 m away from “Adei Ad” settlement, where the owner owns 25 dunums at the targeted location . During the recent years, settlers cut and sabotaged hundreds of saplings from his plot , and despite the complaints filed to the Israeli Occupation , no legal measurements were taken against the perpetrators.
One of the victims, Farmer Rabah Hazma who supports a family of 7 told LRC: “During the last seven years we’ve been witnessing continuous attacks by settlers especially in “Al-Dhahrat” and “Seder” areas , in the forms of cutting and sabotaging hundreds of olive trees , we are only able to access our lands in olive harvesting and land blowing seasons . Noteworthy, There is a military watch tower at the area, which guarantees that the Israeli Occupation Forces saw the perpetrators and did not do anything to stop them.”
The affected farmer said that each tree produces about 10 kilograms of olive oil , which contributes in providing an income source for farmers in light of these difficult circumstances the area is witnessing after the spread of the Corona virus , but Palestinian farmers are battling the corona pandemic and the occupation’s pandemic.
In the same context , farmer Sameer Hijaz went to his olive grove in Ad-Dhahrat area in Tuesday, April 21st , where they were shocked of settlers destroying 40 olive trees aging 35 years old, causing a great damage to the trees.
The targeted olive grove is 500 m west “Adei Ad” settlement , in Ad-Dhahrat area, where the owner owns two dunums planted with 50 olive trees, 40 of them were vandalized , while each one produces 10-12 kilograms of olive oil , and the owner supports a family of 5.
Unfortunately, olive farmers in Al-Mughayyir faced a similar fate , the village have witnessed numerous attacks by “Adei Ad” settlers . Tuesday, April 21st , farmer Jameel An-Na’asan went to his land and found out that settlers from “Adei Ad” vandalized 40 olive trees aging 30 years old, the targeted olive grove is 300 m to the south of “Adei Ad” settlement.
About Turmus’ayya:[1]
It is located 25 km to the north east of Ramallah city. It has a population of 3736 people (according to a 2007 census). Its total area is 18139 dunums, 1350 of which are built-up area. About 11218 dunums of land are under Area B (PA is in charge of civil matters with Israel responsible for security) and 6921 dunums are under Area C (Israel maintains full security and administrative control).
The Israeli occupation confiscated vast areas of the village for the benefit of the following colonies:
- Shilo and Mizpe Rahel devoured 1023 dunums
- Mizpe Rahel devoured 706 dunums
- The bypass road number 60 stole 12.5 dunums
Al Mughayyir: [2]
Al Mughayyir is located 30 km to the north east of Ramallah; it is inhabited by around 3,249 people according to the PCBS statistics conducted in 2017.
Most of the village agricultural fields are located in its eastern parts; its total area is 33055 dunums, 501 of which are built-up area.
The Israeli occupation confiscated 37 dunums of Al Mughayyir lands for bypass #458.
According to Oslo Accords, about 95% of the village is under Area C while only 5% is under Area B.
- Area B: 1,695 dunums
- Area C: 31,360 dunums
The Land Research Center