- Violation: New outpost.
- Location : south Khirbet Maso’ud / south west Jenin.
- Date: 01/06/2019.
- Perpetrator: settlers of “Harmish”.
- Victims: People of Khirbet Maso’ud and Khirbet Zibdeh.
Within the Israeli policies to Judaize wide areas of Palestinian lands and promote colonization in the Palestinian territories , at the beginning of June 2019 , a group of settlers took over a plot with an area of 35 dunums south Khirbet Al-Maso’ud.
Reportedly , the plot is a Hashemite kingdom treasury , that the occupation now considers an Israeli state property. It is located to the south of Khirbet Al-Maso’ud about 800 m from the khirbet houses , and 1 km north “Harmish” settlement.
Settlers put 3 agricultural tents, a barracks and 2 caravans, the outpost’s settlers are herders covered and protected by the occupation forces 24/7.
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Photos 1-4: the new outpost
The map shows the location of the new outpost
Settlers claim that they rented the plot from the government properties department – the Israeli occupation civil administration.
Hamzeh Amarneh from Khirbet Al-Maso’ud told LRC reporter:
“since they built the outpost , we the 54 people of Khirbet Al-Masoud living in a state of constant fear. The army commander warned us from approaching the outpost location of herding or even picnicking, the area is a rich pastoral plot that we as herders depended on , but now the Israeli occupation closed almost all postures.”
Mefleh ‘Amarna believes that this is a scheme to depopulate the area. He also told LRC reporter:
“Few days ago, the Israeli occupation forces raided the Khirbet , and threatened us of arrest in case we caused any “harassments” for the new settlers , they also prohibit any new tents or structures , leveling to halt physical expansion at the village.”
Yousif Atatra head of Ya’abad municipality says that the new outpost is a nightmare . The Israeli occupation is controlling about 650 dunums from Qaffin village , Khirbet Farseen and Khirbet Maso’ud where the occupation imposes restrictions that prohibit any developmental projects . the new outpost is only a cornerstone for a bigger colonial plan , it is obvious that the occupation’s intention is connecting the outpost to “Harmish” settlement which will confiscate wide areas of agricultural dunums from the Palestinian communities that live with the least life possibilities.
16 km south west Jenin , Khirbet Al-Maso’ud was directly targeted by the Israeli occupation assaults , the occupation isolated 65 dunums west the village behind the apartheid wall , and closed the Khirbet’s northern entrance, that connects it to Jenin northern villages, all of the kirbet’s lands (4680 duunums) are classified C area according to Oslo accords , except for 12 dunums that are a built up area for the village, according to PCBS statistics in 2007, the Khirbet has a population of 47 people , in 11 families who live in 11 houses and own 3 agricultural facilities.
Legal Feedback:
The constringing policy by the Israeli occupation authorities of confiscating Palestinian lands in order to build illegal random outposts and settlements can only be regarded as a violation of all international conventions and agreements like:
The Geneva Fourth convention relative to the protection of civilian persons in the times of war:
Security council resolution 242 year 1967: Withdrawal of Israel armed forces from territories occupied in the recent conflict; and Termination of all claims or states of belligerency and respect for and acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territoial integrity and political independence of every State in the area and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force.
Security council resolution 446 year 1979: Determines that the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East;
Security council resolution 452 year 1979: the resolution once again denounced Israel’s settlement activities in territories occupied in 1976 including (East) Jerusalem, this activity constituting a violation of the Fourth Geneva convention, and called on Israel to cease planning and construction of settlements
Security council resolution 465 year 1980: calls to dismantle the existing settlements and in particular to cease, on an urgent basis, the establishment, construction and planning of settlements in the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem; Calls upon all States not to provide Israel with any assistance to be used specifically in connexion with settlements in the occupied territories;
Security council resolution 478 year 1980: Censures in the strongest terms the enactment by Israel of the “basic law” on Jerusalem and the refusal to comply with relevant Security Council resolutions,Those States that have established diplomatic missions at Jerusalem to withdraw such missions from the Holy City.
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