- Violation: settlers sabotaged 90 olive trees.
- Location: Al-Mughayyir town / Ramallah city.
- Date: October 13 -2018.
- Perpetrators: “Adei Ad” fanatic settlers.
- Victims: Heirs of Rateeb An-Na’asan.
Description: It was shocking to Farmer Abdallah An-Na’asan (45) to see that settlers sabotaged the trees he spent many years of his life taking care of them as if they were his little children.
On October 13, 2017, colonists of “Adei Ad”, sneaked into the area of Abu Al-Muwas, which is adjacent to their colony and cut down 90 olive trees using sharp tools.
One of the affected farmers “Abdullah An-Na’asan” told LRC observer: “We own an 8 dunums piece of land in “Abu Al Muwas” area, the plot is adjacent to “Adei Ad” settlement, since 2000 we are only allowed to access the land in harvesting and cultivating seasons and only for few hours, settlers take advantage of the fact we are not allowed to reach our lands to sabotage our trees, in 2010, 45 olive trees were cut , 2013 settlers carried out another assault in the same area”
It is noteworthy that same gangsters sabotaged more that 100 olive trees in Turmus’ayya – Ramallah governorate.
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Photos 1-6: views of the sabotaged trees, “Adei Ad” settlement on the top of the hell is shown.
Al Mughayyir, an overview[1]:
Al Mughayyir is located 30 km to the north east of Ramallah; it is inhabited by around 2872 people according to the PBS statistics conducted in 2017.
Most of the village agricultural fields are located in its eastern parts; its total area before the Israeli conquest of the West Bank was 33,055 dunums, 501 dunums of which are considered built-up area.
However, the Israelis announced most of the Jordan Valley region into a military zone excluding more than 27556 dunums from the village total area.
The Israeli occupation confiscated 37 dunums from the village to open the bypass road number 458.
According to Oslo Accords, the village lands are classified as follows:
- 1695 dunums are considered area B
- 31360 dunums are considered area C
The Land Research Center