- Violation: opening colonial road
- Location: Jinsafut village – Qalqilya governorate
- Date: September 01, 2018
- Perpetrators: “Immanuel” colonists
- Victims: farmers from the village of Jinsafut.
Israeli illegal settlers continue committing crimes against Palestinian human and environment, especially in Wad Qana area feature beautiful diverse environment, but the occupation insists on destroying every Palestinian thing.
Colonists of Immanuel colony were reported to open new colonial road (2 km* 6m) that connects “Immanuel” illegal settlement south with its subjoined Industrial zone north, in preparation to a new colonial scheme threatens wide area of agricultural lands in Deir Isteia and Jinsafut.
It is reported that the area of confiscated lands for the end of opening the new road totaled 12 dunums, and belong to number of farmers in Jinsafut and they are (Thabit Bsheer , Abdul –Fattah Bsheir, Samih Bsheir, Khairy Sokar and Majed Sokar), According to Jinsafut rural council, constructing this road caused the uprooting of 61 olive trees, cultivated 35 years ago.
Ahmad Eid director of Agriculture Administration in Qalqilya governorate told LRC observer:
“There is an Israeli scheme to connect Wad Qana settlement through road networks, which may form huge blocs of settlements on the expenses of farmers of the area and agricultural lands attempting to gradually take over Wad Qana area”
According to the field visits conducted by Land Research Center in the area, the new colonial road connects Israeli illegal colonies and divide Palestinian agricultural lands, especially that the road was opened between olive fields, which will now impose restrictions on farmers movements for “security claims”. There are “Security isolated areas” were Palestinians are not allowed to enter even though they are the real owners of such areas, such obstacles will push farmers away from their lands and leave them to colonial projects.
Photos 1+2: The industrial zone north Immanuel settlement.
Photos 4+5: “Immanuel” settlement.
It is located 15 kilometers south east of the city of Qalqilia. Its total area is 8,659 dunums including the 218 dunums build-up area. Its population is estimated to be 2,500 with an unemployment rate reaching up to 78 %. The village is a victim of Israeli colonies as more than 688 dunums were confiscated for the purpose of establishing and expanding the colonies of Neve Oraniem (538 dunums) and KarniShamron (150 dunums).
The Land Research Center