- Violation: New bypass road in the same time of claiming to evict an outpost “Kfar Tapuah suth”.
- Location: Yasuf lands east Salfit city.
- Date: June 17 -2018.
- Perpetrator: Israeli occupation army.
Description: At the same time the occupation claims to evict an illegal outpost “Kfar Tepuah south” south from “Kfar Tepuah” settlement, The Israeli occupation army is leveling new military road that connects “Kfar Tepuah” settlement to bypass 505 north Yasuf city.
Field observation shows that the road has an area of (1 kilometers * 10 meters) and it is in the stage of base course, the occupation had implanted a metal gate on the road’s entrance to prevent Palestinian farmers from using the road.
Abdul Kareem As-Sa’adi human rights activist in Salfit governorate told LRC observer: “the new road is a step towards expanding the settlement, any new settlement expansion starts with a road, this road will link random outposts east “Kfar Tepuah” to the settlement and form grand settlement blocs, which will confiscate thousands of agricultural dunums cultivated with millennial olive trees”.
Israel is carrying out the construction of many roads in Yasuf town, which reflects a colonial scheme to increase the confiscated areas in the town. “Kfar Tepuah” has doubled its area in the recent year inhabited by number of radical religious settlers.
Pictures 1-2 : The new colonial road.
Picture 3 : random outpost west of “Kfar Tepuah”.
Land Research Center sees Israel continuous expansion on colonies in the West Bank and Jerusalem at the expense of Palestinian and lands a flagrant violation of Human Rights and all international laws and conventions, which prohibit disposition of public properties in occupied countries.
The Land Research Center