Violation: ruining car tires and writing hatred inciting slogans.
Location: Turmus’ayya- Ramallah governorate.
Date: April 29 -2018.
Perpetrators: price tag gang of illegal colonists.
Victims: 4 Palestinian families.
In the early morning hours, a group of price tag gangsters raided Turmus’ayya town and wrote hatred inciting slogans on Abu Awad family home walls in Hebrew.
Photo 1: Hatred inciting slogans on Abu Awad wall
In the same context, same perpetrators ruined tires of 3 cars belong to the following citizens:
- Ahmad Hamayel: Price tag gangsters ruined 4 tires of his Mercedes car.
- Husni Hamayel: Price tag gangsters ruined 4 tires of his Mitsubishi car.
- Raqi Abu Baker: price tag gangsters ruined 3 tires of his Hyundai car.
Photo 2 : Hamayel’s car
Gangsters of such type are reported taught the ideology of leftism in Israeli religious groups. “Hatred for Arabs” and “kill them all” are some of their slogans.
It should be mentioned that Price taggers escalated their attacks on sacred places of worship be them Christian or Muslim in the West Bank and Jerusalem. Setting fire to those places was a prominent means to express their grudge. Another means was writing discriminative and hatred-enticing slogans on walls, indicating “Death to Arabs and Muslims” and offenses against Prophet Mohammad(PBOH).
It should also be mentioned that colonists worked on forming a gang named” Revenge” and ” Price tag”, the attacks of which are to be represented in torching and damaging vehicles, houses and worshiping places. This hatred and revenge ideology is derived from the extremists Rabbis in the Israeli government who believe in the necessity to terminate all Arabs and Muslims
It should be noted that Turmus’ayya is a hot spot for colonists’ attacks that are represented in cutting down olive trees and attempts to take over lands to serve the colonial plan.
Human rights activist Zakariya As-Sadeh told LRC observer: “during April 22 price tag attacks were documented in the Palestinian suburbs, 15 of them are in Nablus suburbs, most of their attacks feature writing hatred inciting slogans and ruining car tires. Nevertheless, price tag gangsters sabotaged 986 olive trees in Nablus.”
About Turmus’ayya:[1]
25 km to the north east of Ramallah city, Turmus’ayya has a population of 3736 people (2007 census). Its total land area is 18139 dunums, of which 1350 dunums are considered built-up area. About 11218 dunums of Turmus’ayya lands are classified as Area B (PA is in charge of civil matters with Israel responsible of security) where 6921 dunums are classified as Area C (Israel maintains full security and administrative control).
The Israeli occupation confiscated vast areas from the village for the benefit of the following colonies:
- Shilo and Mizpe Rahel devoured 1023 dunums
- Mizpe Rahel devoured 706 dunums
- The bypass road number 60 stole 12.5 dunums
The Land Research Center