Violation: closing postures.
Location: An-Nuwei’ma area / Jericho governorate.
Date: March 19 /2018.
Perpetrators: Radical settlers under the protection of the occupation army.
Victims: Arab Az-Zayed – An-Nuwei’ma.
North-east An-Nuwei’ma was always an area of postures serving herders from Arab Az-Zayid , Ar-Rashaida and Al-Mlihat Bedouin communities.
In the 80s, the Israeli occupation established “Mev’out Yeriho” settlement, which affected the Bedouin communities of the area due to the closure and confiscation of wide areas of postures.
Sheikh Abdul-Raheem Az Zayed, head of Arab Az-Zayed Bedouin community:
“The natural reserve surrounding “Mev’out Yeriho” settlement was a rich postures area. Recently, the Israeli occupation closed it and prohibited herders from using the posture. Noteworthy, the occupation considers the area “state’s properties.
In the morning hours of Thursday, 16 herders and cattle breeders headed to the postures accompanied by peace activists, but they were surprised by number of armed settlers attacking thyem and forced them to leave the area”
Nayef Az-Zayed one of the affected herders told LRC observer:
“Rainfall shortage caused postures shortage, in order to save our herds we tried to regain some of the confiscated postures, but settlers threatened us with weapons, this kills any hope for us”
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Photos 1-3: the natural reserved area surrounding Az-Zayed Bedouin community.
Photo 4: Az-Zayed Bedouin community.
Photo 5: Mev’out Rahil settlement.
Noteworthy, An-Nuwei’ma is subjected by colonial expansion and activities; the absolute majority of An-Nuwei’ma lands are settlements, military camps or closed military zones: Sabah Rashed, the responsible of the colonization file in Jericho governorate, told LRC observer: “The Israeli occupation considers C areas in the Jordan Valley a colonial reserve, there are continuous attempts to take over and judaize the land, such Israeli measurements had the worst impact on the agricultural sector, in an area, whose residents mainly depend on agriculture and animal husbandry for living”.
Prepared by
The Land Research Center