- Violation: detonating a residential apartment
- Location: Dahyat Al-Zaytoon- Hebron
- Date: October 20, 2015
- Perpetrators: Israeli occupation forces
- Victims: Al-Hashlamoun family
The Israeli occupation forces detonated on October 20, 2015 the apartment of Maher Al-Hashlamoun in the Hebron area of Dahyat Al-Zaytoon. Eyewitnesses said that a massive force from the Israeli occupation army raided the area after midnight and evicted the residents of building where Al-Hashlamoun family lives. Soldiers then embarked on demolishing the walls of the house by manual tools. The residence was welded by soldiers before they had left at dawn.
The Israeli occupation authorities notified on August 19, 2015 the residence of Al-Hashlamoun of confiscation and demolition. At time, the family sought help from Center for the Defence of the Individual to object to the order. The Israeli occupation authorities rejected on October 17, 2015 the plea submitted by the aforementioned association and the demolition order was approved effective.
It is reported that the 136m2 demolished house is located in the fourth floor of a five story building. The building accommodates 10 apartments, of which 8 are inhabited by 45 people including the four member family of Al-Hashlamoun .
Al-Hashlamoun was accused of carrying out a killing attack that left one female colonists dead and two injured on November 10, 2014. It should be marked that Al-Hashlamoun is still detained by the Israeli occupation authorities.
For further information on the confiscation and demolition order that was served on Al-Hashlamoun, please read the report of Land Research Center (link)
Prepared by
The Land Research Center