Violation: burning down almonds trees
Location: al-Naqura –Nablus governorate
Date: June20, 2014
Perpetrators: the occupation army
Victims: farmer Hashem Muhsin
At evening of Friday, June20, 2014, a massive force of the occupation raided al-Naqura village in the northern suburbs of Nablus city(17km in distance) where the force fired flash bombs on fields planted with olives and almonds at the northern entrance of al- Khanadiq area that is located on the natural block no. 11
It should be marked and according to the LRC field observation that : " nine almonds trees of 12 years in age were burnt down two of which were totally damaged and the rest were partially sabotaged because of the flash bombs that fell down in the location.
Photos1-4 the affected trees
Ongoing assaults:
The village of al-Naqura is located nearby Shavei Shomron colony which made it a subject of Israeli activities. During the past ten years, al-Naqura witnessed daily raids and flash bombs firing; the main reason for fruitful trees and wheat fields burn down .
The northern entrance of the village that is nearby the colony has been closed since 2000 until July 2012 and that is what forced the residents to take another long road through Sabastiya to Asira and then to Nablus in order for them to reach their jobs locations.
About the village:
The village of al-Naqura is located in the southeastern part of Sabastiya and is surrounded by Iba, Sabastiya, and Ijnistiya towns from southeastern part of Northern Asira. From the south, there is Zwata and Beit Iba villages and from the west there is Deir Sharaf and Shavei Shomron colony that populates 2500 people according to 2012 census.
Prepared by
The Land Research Center