Violation: bulldozing 30 dunums of agricultural lands, uprooting 400 seedlings, destroying retaining wall, and sabotaging and confiscating irrigation networks.
Date: May 8, 2012.
Location: ‘Atous – Beit Ulla.
Perpetratos: the Israeli Occupation Authorities.
Victims: Hasan and Fayez AlAla.
Israeli troops accompanied by two dozers and a jackhammer broke into ‘Atous area in Beit Ulla before embarking on leveling the retaining walls and uprooting the seedlings in Hasan AlAmla 10-dunum field without any prior warnings. 150 seedlings, 1-5 years old, were uprooted in the attack. Coherently, the Israelis leveled Fayez AlAmla 20-dunum field and uprooted all the seedlings there, mostly 2-year-old olives and prunes. They also sabotaged an irrigation network and confiscated most of the equipment.
Unlike Hasan, Fayez received an eviction order earlier, the order he received stated that his lands are ‘state property’; however, he said that he appealed to the order and that the hearing session was supposed to take place today but the Israelis were too impatient.

Prepared by
The Land Research Center