Violation: ravaging 34 30-40 years old olive trees using saws.
Location: Abu Hlala, eastern Al Janiya – Ramallah.
Perpetrators: Tilmun colonists.
Victims: 3 residents of Al Janiya.
Date: October 29, 2011.
On November 29, 2011, a group of Tilmun colonists broke into Abu Hlala area in Al Janiya village ravaging 34 trees between 30 and 40 years of age. The colonists used saws and axes in their attack against the Palestinian olives.
It must e known that abu Hlala area is a closed military zone, unreachable for the Palestinians except for days each year and only after acquiring a special permit from the Israeli Occupation Authorities. The damaged trees are the property of Saad Samhan (17 trees), Izzat Samhan (13 trees), and Muheeb Samhan (4 trees).
Al Janiya, a target of Israeli colonization:
Colonization and land confiscation is the danger facing the village rendering many of its inhabitants sleepless many nights. The colonies surrounding the village are expanding on daily basis as well as a bypass which is ripping it into two. More than 70 % of the village total area was captured to serve the Israeli colonial expansions; some have already been used for construction while the rest is considered ‘security buffer zones’ which are left for future expansions.
A number of colonies surround the village including:
1. Dolev: the first colony built over the village lands. It was established in 1983 over Miidros Mountaint in te eastern part of Al Janiya.Its total area has reached up to 225 dunums. The Israeli Army announced all the areas around it as military zone rendering it inaccessible to the Palestinians.
2. Talmon: Talmon is a series of Israeli colonies covering a number of mountain summits in the area. It was established in 1989 to reach a total area of 449 dunums. It includes:
Talmon A: a large colony that was built in Abu Hlala in the eastern part of the village; the lands in this area were known for their fertility as well as the availability of a water spring which used to be one the major sources of water in the village.
Talmon B: it is located on the top of Ras al Mghar Mountain; it started with a number of mobile homes and has been expanding ever since.
Talmon C: it is mainly located on Ras abu Zaitoun Mountain in the northern part of the village. It expanded to reach nearby mountain summits.

All the colonies are connected through two bypasses which also connect them to Dolev colony and An Nabi Saleh.
Al Janiya: it is located 8 km to the north of Ramallah; its total area is around 7800 dunums inhabited by 1470 people who depend largely on agriculture in their income.