Photo 1: Look at the arrow pointing at the remains of the demolished
balcony while the house is surrounded by Israeli colonists – Aqabat Al Khalidiya
Case (4): Sa’eed Family Demolishes Part of its Home:
On the 13th of June, 2009, the Jerusalem Municipality forced the family of Mr. Tariq Jamal Dawood Sa’eed to demolish part of their home. The demolished part consisted of one room and a bathroom unit that were built back in 2003 in Bab Hutta in the Old City of Jerusalem.
Members of Sa’eed family expressed the following to the field researcher of the Land Research Center (LRC): ‘ We have built the room in 2003. The very next day Municipality employees came to the house accompanied by Israeli occupation soldiers and took pictures of the new room. The employees gave us a Stop Work Order. However, the internal work continued as we were in dire need for the room as to allow our son to get married. He’s been engaged for a long period of time and we simply cannot afford the high rent prices in Jerusalem. The Municipality court fined us NIS 20,000 for building without a permit and gave us a year to try and get a building permit. However, the year passed by without any cooperation from the Municipality side to get the needed permit. The court gave us an additional month and a half to demolish the room on our own. Otherwise, the Municipality will demolish it, fine us NIS 20,000 in addition to NIS 50,000 demolition fees. As such, we were forced to demolish the room by ourselves.’
Case (5): Al Juba’ Family Demolishes Part of its Home:
On the 15th of June, 2009, the Jerusalem Municipality obligated Mr. Mohammad Najeeb Al Juba’ to demolish a section of his house which is located in Al Jabsha Neighborhood in the Old City under the pretext that it was built without a permit. Al Juba’ built the room due to the urgent need to expand the house in which 7 Palestinian Jerusalemites resided.
The 56-year old Mr. Mohammad Al Juba’ indicated the following to LRC’s field researcher: ‘ The need for housing pushed me in 1997 to add a 30-m2second floor consisting of a room and a bathroom unit. During the building process, the Municipality came to the location and gave me a Stop Work Order. The Municipality Court issued its decision to demolish the additional floor and to fine us NIS 13,000. I have tried in vain to get a building permit. I have also paid the total amount of the fine. On the Municipality court session held on the 5th of April, 2009, the court gave me until the 1st July, 2009, to demolish the house. Otherwise, the Municipality will demolish it on my expenses (an estimated NIS 25,000) while fining me NIS 10,000. Since I don’t have that amount, I decided to demolish it myself.
Photos 2+3: The ruins of the house of Mr. Mohammad Al Juba’. Mr. Al Juba’
demolished it by himself – Al Jabsha Neighborhood in the Old City.
Case (6): The Brothers Khaled and Tariq Suroor Demolish Part of their Homes:
On the 20th of June, 2009, the 44-year old Mr. Khaled Suroor and his 42-year old Mr. Tariq Suroor demolished on the 20th of June, 2009 part of their two homes located in Al Madaris Neighborhood in Jerusalem. They have done so in fear that the Municipality would carryout the demolition itself and then fine them for it. The losses of the two brothers are estimated to be NIS 40,000.
Mr. Khaled Suroor expressed the following to LRC’s field researcher: ‘ The targeted sections of the houses were built in 2003. Three months ago Municipality employees came to our houses and gave us an ultimatum to demolish the added parts within a period of 3 months. Otherwise, we will be fined a hefty fine in addition to being charged for the fees of the demolition. We couldn’t afford that and so we decided to demolish it on our own. Our sons have high school tests these days. You can only imagine the psychological state they are in when they see the bulldozer destroying their homes by our own hands !!!!. ‘
Case (7): The Bashir Family Destroys Parts of Its Own House:
On the 20th of June, 2009 the family of the 37-year old Mr. Bashir Mahmoud Bashir demolished part of its house located in Jabal Al Mukabber. Again, the family was forced to do this in fear of the hefty fine that would have been imposed upon them if the Municipality would have demolished it using its crews. The demolished 35-m2 section of the house caused a financial loss of more than NIS 20,000.
Photo 4: A section of the demolished house of Mr. Bashir in Jabal Al Mukabber.
Case (8): The Jerusalem Municipality Demolishes the House of Abu Juma’a Family in Al Tur and Physically Attacks its Members:
On June 30th, 2009, around 100 armed Israeli Special Forces raided the house of Mr. Samer Ahmad Abu Juma’a which was located on the main road in Al Tur. Members of the Forces detained Mr. Samer and removed him to the opposite side of the 45-day-old house. As Israeli bulldozers started to demolish the 50-m2 house, Israeli soldiers physically attacked Samer’s mother (the 62-year old Mrs. Jamila) his stepmother (the 65-year old Mrs. Huda) and his three sisters (the 27-year old Hanadi, the 38-year old Ikhlas and the 40-year old Suhair) which necessitated medical attention.
Photo 5: Member of Abu Juma’a family in front of their demolished house – Al Tur.
The 13-year old Ahmad Abu Juma’a expressed the following to LRC’s field researcher: ‘ They came at 8:15 AM. They broke into our house while we were asleep. We were very frightened as they were heavily armed.’
As for the 10-year old Mahmoud Abu Juma’a, he said that’ They broke in while the women were asleep. They have beaten up all of my aunts and my grandmother while my mother fainted twice during the demolition.’
The 12-year old Mohannad added that : ‘I was on my way back home from school after getting my final certificate. The soldiers beat me and my aunt because we helped my grandmother stand up after she has fallen on the ground. They didn’t spare anyone of my other aunts either.

Photo 6:
The children Ahmad, Mahmoud and Mohannad who testified
to LRC’s field researcher about their experience during the demolition of Abu Juma’a house
In Summary:
The following table lists the demolitions that have taken place in Jerusalem during the month of June, 2009:
Area in m2
Family Members
Mohammad Ahmad Ghousheh
Suq Khan Al Zait – Old City
Self demolition
Khawla Waleed Al Hartouni
Al A’alam Street – Old City
Osama Taher Hashima
Aqabat Al Khalidiya – Old City
Self demolition
Tariq Jamal Sa’eed
Bab Hutta – Old City
Self demolition
Mohammad Najeeb Al Juba’
Al Jabsha Neighborhood – Old City
Self demolition
Khaled and Tariq Suroor
Al Madaris Neighborhood – Jabal Al Mukabber
Self demolition
Bashir Mahmoud Bashir
Jabal Al Mukabber
Self demolition
Samer Ahmad Abu Juma’a
Al Tur
The Overall Picture:
Since the beginning of the year 2009 until the end of June of the same year Israeli occupation authorities (most notable of which is the Jerusalem Municipality) have demolished (or forced the demolition of) at least 40 Palestinian structures in Jerusalem in accordance with the following table
No. of Structures Demolished
No. of Affected Palestinians
For additional information relating to house demolitions in East Jerusalem since the beginning of 2009, please press the following links:
[1] Source: Field work by LRC since Jan. 2009 until the end of June, 09.
* Three of the mentioned structures were tents belonging to Al Sayyala Bedouins (between the towns of Al Tur and Al Izzariyya). The tents used to shelter around 40 Palestinians more than half of them were children.