Click here for related case studies
This report highlights the chronology of events concerning colonizing activities in the West Bank, Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip that occurred during the months of January to March. It describes and evaluates events and their effects on the Palestinian communities and predicts the repercussions expected in the future as a result of those events. See map of the West Bank
Contents: Chronology of events in the West Bank during the First Quarter of 2005
- Chronology of events during the month of January 2005.
- Table 1: Israeli violations in Tulkarem Governorate – January 2005.
- Table 2: Israeli violations in Ramallah Governorate – January 2005.
- Table 3: Israeli violations in Tubas Governorate – January 2005.
- Table 4: Israeli violations in Jerusalem Governorate – January 2005.
- Table 5: Israeli violations in Bethlehem Governorate – January 2005.
- Table 6: Israeli violations in Hebron Governorate – January 2005.
- Table 7: Israeli violations in Jenin Governorate – January 2005.
- Table 8: Israeli violations in Nablus Governorate – January 2005.
- Table 9: Israeli violations in Qalqilyia Governorate – January 2005.
- Table 10: Israeli violations in Salfit Governorate – January 2005.
Table 1: Israeli violations in Tulkarem Governorate – January 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
2- Jan- 05 |
S– Seizing 522 dunums of agricultural lands for military purposes, hundreds of Olive and Almond trees will be uprooted. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
4- Jan- 05 |
O- Reiterating the demolition orders against 10 houses under the pretext of proximity from the Wall path . |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
5- Jan- 05 |
O- Occupying the house of Mr. Khairi Hatim and turning it into a military observation point. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
13- Jan- 05 |
O- Hindering the landowners from reaching their lands behind the Wall despite the fact that they hold valid passing permits. |
The two villages of Faro'un and Ar Ras in Tulkarm |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
26- Jan- 05 |
O– The houses of Shafeq 'Awni 'Abed El Ghani, Ahmad Suleiman Zaki Radad and Amjad Zaki Radad are threatened of demolition |
Seida town |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 2: Israeli violations in Ramallah Governorate – January 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
12- Jan- 05 |
S_ Military order to confiscate 2, 3 dunums (2300m�?????�????�???�??�?�²) of lands |
Al Janiya village near Ramallah |
The Israeli chief commander Moshe Keplenski |
12- Jan- 05 |
D_ Dynamiting the house of Majed Ribhy 'Arar |
Qarawat Bani Zeid to the north of Ramallah city |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
25- Jan- 05 |
O_ The houses of 'Ala' Jaser 'Arar, Akram 'Arar, Kahlil Hamdan and Karim Hamdan are threatened to be demolished |
Qarawat Bani Zeid village to the north of Ramallah city |
Table 3: Israeli violations in Tubas Governorate – January 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
Notes |
22- Jan- 05 |
O_ Notifing tens of Palestinian families to evacuate their houses, preparing them for demolition |
The Israeli authorities |
Houses are located near the Segregation Wall path |
Table 4: Israeli violations in Jerusalem Governorate – January 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
Notes |
03- Jan- 05 |
O_ Surveying lands in the areas of 'E1' project at the expense of more than 1205 dunum of Palestinian to connect Ma'ale Adumim settlement with Jerusalem city |
Jerusalem city |
The Israeli authorities |
06- Jan- 05 |
S_ Military orders to confiscate 88.7 dunums of lands in Block 6, Suhwail, Sha'b, Al Jwaiya and Hariqa Duwayd areas of which 71. 9 dunums of them are in Biddu |
Al Jib and Biddu villages in Jerusalem |
The Israeli authorities |
10- Jan- 05 |
S- Razing agricultural lands in four Palestinian villages north west of Jerusalem for Apartheid Wall construction which will lead to total separation of two Palestinian villages in the area ( Nabi Samuel and Beit Iksa) |
Biddu, Beit Iksa, Beit Duqqu and Nabi Samuel villages in Jerusalem |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
11- Jan- 05 |
S_ Razing more than 100m of lands owned by Ahmad Barakat |
Near the main street in Al Nabi Samuel village in the northwest of Jerusalem city |
The Israeli bulldozers |
15- Jan- 05 |
S_ Military order to confiscat 363 dunums of land (112 dunums from Al Qubeibeh and Qatanna villages, 34 dunums from Beit Duqqu village, 72 dunums from Biddu village, and 146 dunums from Beit 'Ijza) for the Segregation Wall. |
In the villages northwest of Jerusalem city |
The Israeli chief commander Moshe Keplenski |
16- Jan- 05 |
P_ Plans to construct two passages connecting north of the West Bank with Jerusalem city. The first will be constructed east of Qalandiya checkpoint and the second will be east of Ar Rm town (Dwar Adam), another passage is to be constructed north of Al 'Ezariya town particularly in Ras Abu Sebastian area |
Jerusalem city |
The Israeli authorities |
Palestinian passengers must hold Jerusalem ID's or Special permits issued by the Israeli civil administration |
20- Jan- 05 |
O– Putting into force a new law considering houses and real estate located in Jerusalem and belonging to absentee Palestinians or to Palestinians living in the West Bank as state property |
Jerusalem city |
The Israeli authorities |
24- Jan- 05 |
P_ Plans to implement the 'Land Absentee' law on thousands of dunums of Palestinian lands |
East Jerusalem |
The Israeli governorate |
Palestinians who live in the West Bank will lose ownership of their property in East Jerusalem |
30- Jan- 05 |
S_ Military orders to confiscate 2362 dunums of lands in Blocks (1, 2, and 3) |
Al Jib village in Jerusalem |
The Israeli authorities |
For the Segregation Wall |
31- Jan- 05 |
C_ Paving new colonial road that will connect Navi Yaacov settlement with the other settlements in 'Anata, Hizma and El 'Ezariya |
South, north and east of Jerusalem city |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
31- Jan- 05 |
O_ More than 74 houses are threatened to be demolished to create a buffer Zone with 500m long on the two sides of Jerusalem envelop. |
Ameti Lavi, the Israeli commander of the 'Jerusalem Envelop ' area |
Table 5: Israeli violations in Bethlehem Governorate – January 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
17- Jan- 05 |
D_ Demolishing 3 residential houses, 4 praxes with one agricultural house and 4 farms which belong to Jamal Barghouth, Salim 'Ali Abu Reziq, Samer Jubran, Maher Abu Khyara, Fakhry Abu Sadud, Mustafa Ahmad Al Atrash, Musa 'Abed El Sheikh, Emad Abu El teen, Sa'ed Muhammad El Sheikh 'Ali, Hussein Abu Reziq, Hasan Shehada and Walid 'Atta |
'Ein Ejwazeh neighborhood in Al Walaja village to the northwest of Beit Jala city |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
24- Jan- 05 |
O_200 dunums of lands planted with Olive trees are threatened of confiscation at favor of expanding Betar 'Illit settlement. Lands belong to Hamamreh and Shusha families |
Husan village west of Bethlehem city. For more information, click here. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 6: Israeli violations in Hebron Governorate – January 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
1- Jan- 05 |
S-Seizing dozens of agricultural lands and planted them with forest trees in order to make a geographical continuity between the settlements of Asfer (Metzad) and Ma'ale Amos to the east. |
Sa'ir village |
The Israeli settlers of Asfer |
11- Jan- 05 |
O_ The houses of Raed Hussein Shami Al 'Ajoly and Jihad 'Abed El Hamid Al Rajaby are threatened of demolition |
Hebron city |
The Israeli committee for planning and construction |
11- Jan- 05 |
O_ The farms of Mahmoud Hussein Muhammad Ghabara and Ahmad 'Abed Allah Jaber 'Abed El Qaderare threatened of demolition |
The Israeli committee for planning and construction |
12- Jan- 05 |
S+U_ Taking over 400 dunums of lands and uprooting at least 5000 Olive trees to construct the Segregation Wall. Among the owners known were: Diyab Al Jiyawi, Mahmoud 'Abed El Qader Abu Zalta, Ahmad Ibrahim Faraj Allah, Ahmad 'Ali Al Jiyawi, Mahmoud Shihada Al Jiyawi, 'Abed El Min'm Al Jiyawi, Ahmad Isma'il Al Tmayzi and 'Abed Allah Abu As'ad |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
12- Jan- 05 |
S_ Taking over several numbers of artesian wellsowned by'Abed El Min'm Al Jiyawi and Mahmoud Al Jiyawi |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
18- Jan- 05 |
O– Turning a number of un-inhabited houses, barns and tents into military garrisons |
Al Hadidiya area in Yatta town |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
25- Jan- 05 |
S+U+D_ Razing 40 dunums of lands + uprooting tens of Olive and Almond trees+ demolishing 3 tents. Among the owners known: Tah 'Abed El Shakur Al Tawel, Walid Ahmad Al Tawel & the brothers Salim, 'Azmi, Laila, Al Maza and Basim Saher Al Raghabi and the family of Naser El Din |
Khalayel El Maghreba area located 400m to the south of road # 60 |
The Israeli bulldozers |
27- Jan- 05 |
S– Razing and leveling 30 dunums of land for the expansion of Hagai settlement. |
Hebron city |
The Israeli settlers |
29- Jan- 05 |
S– Seizing and plowing 80 dunums of land owned by the families of Raba'i, Abu Qubaita, Al Hadar and Al Hureini. |
Yatta town in Hebron |
The Israeli settlers of Susiya and Ma'on |
31- Jan- 05 |
S_ Razing of about 50 dunums of lands cultivated with Almonds and Olives. Lands belong to the families of Al Ragabi, Ghayth, Burqan, Naser El Din, Abu Senaineh and Al Karaki |
South of Hebron city in Khalit El Furin and Sha'b Hemar areas near the area of Khalayel El Maghreba |
The Israeli bulldozers |
31- Jan- 05 |
U_ Uprooting 300 Olive trees owned by Mr. Sa'id Jabarin, Ibrahim Jabarin and Radi Jabarin |
Ma'en area |
The Israeli settlers of Susiya |
Table 7: Israeli violations in Jenin Governorate – January 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
2- Jan- 05 |
O- Military orders to demolish 4 houses because of their proximity to the Apartheid Segregation Wall . |
At Taiba village in Jenin. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
15- Jan- 05 |
O_ More than 18 Palestinian families are threatened to be evacuated. Houses belong to: Jamal Nimr 'Abed Allah Yasin, Ahmad Shalabi, Muhammad 'Ali Yousef Shalabi, Muhammad Sheref Fayez Al Fahla, M'moun Abu Baker, Mu'tasem Abu Baker, Muntaser Abu Baker, Radwan Muhammad As'ad Sharba (And his son), Ahmad Abu Hamad, Hussein Sadeq Harez Allah, Omar Se'oud Mas'oud Jabarin, Ahmad & Mar'I Ighbariya and Tawfiq & Mahmoud Ahmad Jabarin |
Rumana, Al Teyba and T'anak villages west of Jenin district. |
Israeli committee for planning and construction |
Table 8: Israeli violations in Nablus Governorate – January 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
19- Jan- 05 |
D– Dynamiting a 4-storey building owned by Mr. Wasif Ash Shak'a and put fire in a furniture exhibition. |
Nablus city |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
22- Jan- 05 |
C– Resuming work in the construction of the Segregation Wall around the settlement of Ariel. |
Nablus district |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
24- Jan- 05 |
D_ Dynamiting a store after planting it with explosive devices |
Nablus city |
The Israeli troops |
30- Jan- 05 |
S_ Confiscating 15 dunums of lands owned by Issa Makhlouf+ destroying his Wheat, barley, figs and apple trees+ another 50 dunums are threatened of confiscation |
'Asira El Qabaliya village |
The Israeli settlers |
Table 9: Israeli violations in Qalqilyia Governorate – January 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
10- Jan- 05 |
O- Setting up a permanent military checkpoint between Nablus and Qalqiliya |
Near the entrance to 'Azzun village |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
16- Jan- 05 |
O– Hindering more than 400 citizens from reaching their homes and agricultural lands forcing them to wait at the Wall iron gate set up at the entrance to the village |
'Azzun Atma village in Qalqiliya. To Read related articles, click here. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
27- Jan- 05 |
O– Turning 5 houses into military observation posts and dynamiting a number of caves |
Sayda village in Qalqiliya |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 10: Israeli violations in Salfit Governorate – January 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
25- Jan- 05 |
C– Resuming land leveling works for Wall construction and expansion of Ariel settlement |
Salfit and Iskaka villages in Salfit district |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
- Chronology of events during the month of February 2005.
- Table 11: Israeli violations in Hebron Governorate – February 2005.
- Table 12: Israeli violations in Bethlehem Governorate – February 2005.
- Table 13: Israeli violations in Tulkarem Governorate – February 2005.
- Table 14: Israeli violations in Qalqilyia Governorate – February 2005.
- Table 15: Israeli violations in Nablus Governorate – February 2005.
- Table 16: Israeli violations in Salfit Governorate – February 2005.
- Table 17: Israeli violations in Ramallah Governorate – February 2005.
- Table 18: Israeli violations in Jerusalem Governorate – February 2005.
- Table 19: Israeli violations in Tubas Governorate – February 2005.
- Table 20: Israeli violations in Jenin Governorate – February 2005.
Table 11: Israeli violations in Hebron Governorate – February 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
1_Feb_2005 |
S_ Destroying the field crops cultivated in 1000 dunums of lands. Among the owners known were: 'Ali & Othman Muhammad Al Jabarin, Khalid & Omar Hussein Al Jabarin, Issa Yunis Al Makhamreh, Issa Ahmad Issa, Musa Ibrahim Abu Yunis and the family of Al Hewaysha |
Kherab Janba, Al Taban, Al Fekhit, Al Markiz and Al Majaz to the southeast of Yatta town |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
2_Feb_2005 |
U– Uprooting more than 300 olive trees. |
The Israeli settlers of Susiya |
4_Feb_2005 |
O_ Taking over the house of Al Ragaby family and turning it into military barrack |
Near the Ibrahime Mosque |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
6_Feb_2005 |
S_ Taking over 2000 dunums of lands and cultivated it with Olives after hedging it with barbed wires. Lands belong to: Muhammad Hamad Al Khashan, inherits of Salim 'Ali Al Shalalda, the inherits of Sabri 'Abed El Rahman, Harb, Mustafa Al Shalalda, Tabun Al Shalalda, the inherits of Yahya Khashan al Shalalda and Al A'raj Al Shalalda |
East of Sa'ir town to the northeast of Hebron city |
The Israeli settlers of Asfar |
6_Feb_2005 |
S_ Military order to confiscate 200 dunums of lands which belong to Al Ja'bary family, at favor of erecting a road connecting the aforementioned settlement with the military base to the west |
The Israeli authorities |
6_Feb_2005 |
O_ Taking over the houses of Fakhri 'Attiya Da'na, Mahmoud Al Buty Jaber and Na'im Da'na and turning it into military posts |
Biyar Al Mahawir area near Qiryat Arba' settlement |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
8_Feb_2005 |
S_ Issuing an order # (T-16-5) to confiscate 2 dunumsof lands. |
Tel Al Tuwani and Umm Saba to the eat of Yatta town. For related case studies, click here. |
The Israeli chief commander Moshe Keplenski |
12_Feb_2005 |
O_ Taking over the houses of Munther and Nasri Muhammad 'Ali Da'na and turning it into military posts |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
12_Feb_2005 |
S_ Military order to confiscated 2.5 dunums of landsat favor of erecting 700m road to create geographical contiguity between Ramat Yashai in the area and Abraham Aveno in the old city of Hebron. As a result tens of Olive trees will be uprooted |
Tel Rumeida in Hebron city. Click here for related information. |
The Israeli authorities |
12_Feb_2005 |
S_ Military order to take over vast areas of lands owned by hundreds of families |
Tawana village south of Hebron Mountain. |
The Israeli authorities |
14_Feb_2005 |
O_ Notifying the residents Na'im 'Abed El Min'im Shanaran, Ahmad Khalil Shanaran and Isaac Nu'man Shanaranto evacuate their tents and caves constructed on their hundreds of Dunums of agricultural lands |
Khirbet Al Tha'la between Karmel and Maon settlements east of Yatta town. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
16_Feb_2005 |
R– Deciding to erect a colonial road at the length of 700 meters, threatening to demolish ancient houses, tombs and uprooting long- lived olive trees |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
17_Feb_2005 |
O_ Taking over the two- storey house of Ibrahim Muhammad Salman Al Masharqa and turning it into military barrack |
Dura town south of Hebron city |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
20_Feb_2005 |
O_ Taking over the house of Nasri Da'na turning it into military barrack at favor of providing security to Israeli settlers using the main road. |
Wad Al Nasara east of Hebron city |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
23_Feb_2005 |
O_ Taking over the two_ storey house of Muhammad Ibrahim Muhammad Jabarin and transforming it into military barrack. |
Yatta town south of Hebron city. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
25_Feb_2005 |
S+E_ Erecting a road on 51 dunums of lands which will connect the settlement with the Mosque. Lands belong to: Sa'ed Da'na, Ahmad Jaber and Jamel Abu S'efan which is cultivated with Vine, Olives and Almonds. |
Wad Al Husein northeast of Al Ibrahime Mosque. |
The Israeli settlers of Qiryat Arba' |
25_Feb_2005 |
S_ Taking over 25 dunums of agricultural lands at favor of expanding its borders. Lands belong to the families in Beit Ummar and Halhul towns |
Southeast of Karmei Zur settlement. Click here for related information. |
The settlers of Karmei Zur |
25_Feb_2005 |
U_ Uprooting 30 Olive trees which belong to Musa Abu Gheir Al Swaity |
Khalet Hraybi south of Beit 'Awa town |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 12: Israeli violations in Bethlehem Governorate – February 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
2_Feb_2005 |
C_ Completing the construction of the 500m long fence for the Segregation Wall |
Al Nu'man village to the northeast of Beit Sahour city |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
3_Feb_2005 |
O_ Rejecting the appeal handed by 18 Palestinian Familiesto reroute the Segregation Wall path. More than 35 houses and vast areas of Olive Grooves will be isolated inside the Wall path |
The Israeli Supreme court |
11_Feb_2005 |
D_ Aggressing on the lands at favor of attaching them to the settlement |
Nahhalin west of Bethlehem city. For related cases, click here |
Settlers of Betar |
16_Feb_2005 |
P_ Plans to establish a Jewish community containing several hundreds of apartments, estimated at 400 |
The Israeli Kever Rahel Foundation |
20_Feb_2005 |
C_ Constructing several numbers of caravans and military equipmentsTo construct a new military base at the site |
Rogm El Naqa in Al Rashayida village south of Bethlehem |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
20_Feb_2005 |
S+D_ 16 warningsto evacuate lands, trees and demolish 7 artesian wells for settlement activities. lands are estimated at 775 dunums and belong to Sukar and Manasra families |
Al Mu'aliqat, Al Fwar and Sewana areas in Wad Fukin village west of Bethlehem. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 13: Israeli violations in Tulkarem Governorate – February 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
17_Feb_2005 |
S_ Military orders to confiscate 25 dunums of agricultural lands cultivated with Olive and Almonds |
The Israeli chief commander |
22_Feb_2005 |
C_ Constructing new military watch tower |
Qafin Triangle north of Tulkarm city. For related articles, click here |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 14: Israeli violations in Qalqilyia Governorate – February 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
1_Feb_2005 |
O– Handing demolition orders against 5 houses and barns Under the pretext of un-licensing |
The Israeli authorities |
4_Feb_2005 |
S– Destroying about 300 dunums of agricultural lands with floods caused by the construction of the Wall. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
17_Feb_2005 |
U_ Decision to uproot the Citrus trees owned by Zahriya Hasan Mershed due to its location close to the house of the Israeli minister of Defense Sha'ol Mofaz |
Kafr Jammal town. For related articles, click here. |
The Israeli Supreme court |
28_Feb_2005 |
O– Hindering Palestinian farmers from reaching their lands separated behind the Wall whose total area is estimated at 9000 dunums |
Jayyus village in Qalqiliya. For related articles, clikc here. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 15: Israeli violations in Nablus Governorate – February 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
2_Feb_2005 |
S_ Military warnings to confiscate 130 dunums of land to expand the nearby Emanuel settlement and to erect a 100m buffer zone alongside the settlement borders. Lands belong to 23 farmers |
Immatin village in Nablus and Deir Istiya village in Salfit |
The Israeli authorities |
3_Feb_2005 |
O_ Taking over the house of Taysser Shaker Higa and turned it into military post |
Burqa village to the northwest of Nablus city |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
5_Feb_2005 |
S– Continuing the confiscation of agricultural lands For the expansion of Elon Moreh settlement |
Azmut village in Nablus |
9_Feb_2005 |
S_ Military order to confiscate 5000 dunums (70%) of lands cultivated with Olives. The land is owned by more than 100 families |
Immatin village in Nablus |
The Israeli authorities |
Table 16: Israeli violations in Salfit Governorate – February 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
5_Feb_2005 |
S– Handing over land confiscation orders for 130 dunums of agricultural lands For the expansion of Emanuel settlement |
Imatin and Deir Istiya villages in Salfit |
The Israeli authorities |
27_Feb_2005 |
S_ Military orders to confiscate hundreds of Dunums cultivated with Olives To construct part of the Segregation Wall, thus connecting it with the part being constructed around Ariel settlement |
Marda village. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 17: Israeli violations in Ramallah Governorate – February 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
17_Feb_2005 |
S+U_ Razing vast areas of lands and uprooting trees To construct part of the Segregation Wall |
Khirbet Al Maran near Har Adar settlement in Beit Surik village to the northwest of Jerusalem city |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
21_Feb_2005 |
U_ Uprooting huge numbers of Olive treesFor the Segregation Wall |
Saffa village in Ramallah district. |
The Israeli bulldozers |
21_Feb_2005 |
C_ Constructing wall blocks. 70,000 residents will be isolated from Jerusalem city and the rest of the Palestinian towns |
Al Judeira, Beir Nabala, Al Jib, Qalandiya and Beit Hanina |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
22_Feb_2005 |
S+U_ Confiscating 2300 dunums of lands and uprooted 700 Olive trees. Lands belong to Yousef 'Ali Yasin, Suleiman Hussein Al 'Abed, Muhammad Samara, Khalil Abu Rahma and Hashim Barnat |
Bil'in village near Ramallah. |
23_Feb_2005 |
C_ Constructing military watch tower and one caravan. The estimated lands razed in the area near the checkpoint in Al Kassarat area reached to 7 dunums |
Between Ramallah – Jerusalem districts, located 200m to the east of Qalandyia checkpoint |
Table 18: Israeli violations in Jerusalem Governorate – February 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
1_Feb_2005 |
C– Continuing works in the part of the Segregation Wall |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
2_Feb_2005 |
P_ Plans to take over 3.5 dunums (3563m) of lands |
Islamic cemetery of 'Arab Al Sawahra on the eastern slopes of Jabal Al Mukabbir, an area between Silwan and Al Sawahira Al Gharbiya |
The Israeli company 'Keras Investment corbo rich' |
6_Feb_2005 |
P_ Plans to reroute the Wall path which will isolate 45 families from Jerusalem city. This route of the wall is planned to have a new passage near 'Atarot industrial zoneandconstructing a passage in the Wall along with a checkpoint that connects Al Sawahira Ash Sharqiya with Al Sawahira Al Gharbiya |
Al Barid outskirt |
The Israeli Ministry of Defense |
7_Feb_2005 |
P_ Plans to circulate the three villages with a 'Depth Wall' forming a ghetto between Jerusalem and Ramallah. This depth wall will be 5km away from the wall's path in Biddu and Beit Surik, 3km away from the Wall path in Qalandyia and Al Ram areas. As a result, one entrance through road # 445 (Bypass road between Qalandyia and Giv'at Ze'ev which Palestinians are prohibited from accessing it) will be accessed by the 15,000 residents of these three villages; In the time, Jerusalem ID holders will need special permits to access Ramallah city |
Beir Nabala, Al JIb and Al Judera. |
The Israeli Ministry of Defense |
8_Feb_2005 |
C_ Re-issuing the military order to construct 22km long wallfrom 26 km. |
Northwest Jerusalem villages. |
The Israeli Supreme court |
9_Feb_2005 |
C_ An order to start constructing the first 6km Wallpart |
Jabal Al Muqatam and Ras Al Nader areas between Beit Liqya & Beit 'Anan villages; near Har Adar settlement on lands of Beit Surik & Biddu |
The Israeli Supreme court |
10_Feb_2005 |
S_ Military warnings to confiscate 30 dunums of landsto construct a new checkpoint. Lands belong to Al Karshan, Al Kalwty and Al Fasfous families. This new checkpoint will be the only entrance for 40,000 residents of Shu'fat camp, Ras Khamis, Al Salam outskirt and 'Anata town |
At Shu'fat camp entrance |
The Israeli Ministry of Defense |
11_Feb_2005 |
D_ Demolishing the house of Muhammad Ibrahim Al Sayad |
At Tur town |
Jerusalem Municipality |
12_Feb_2005 |
O_ Putting bench-marks in vast areas of lands. Thisroad will go through 'Anata village lands to reach Al 'Isawiya and runs down the street leading to Ma'ale Adumim settlement penetrating Al 'Eizariya and Az Za'ayyem landsAt favor of erecting new bypass road |
Jerusalem city |
The Israeli surveyors |
12_Feb_2005 |
P_ Plans to take over lands to re- in force the Israeli control in Jerusalem city, at the same time prevent Palestinians from having any constructions in the area |
Around the walls of Jerusalem old city |
Jerusalem Municipality and the Israeli company 'Keren Kayemit' |
13_Feb_2005 |
S_ Military orders to confiscate more than 150 dunums of lands. For the Segregation Wall. As a result thousands of Dunums of Olives will be isolated behind the Walls path and more than 15 wells and three springs will be isolated too. |
Beit Hanina Al Tahta |
The Israeli authorities |
14_Feb_2005 |
D_ Demolishing without pre-notification the houses of Majed and Mazen Al Shubakialso the house of 'Adnan Al Shubaki is threatened of demolition |
Al Ashqariya neighborhood in Beit Hanina |
The Israeli authorities |
18_Feb_2005 |
O– Charging Mrs. Afifa 'Ilaiwat NIS 67 000, under the pretext of building without permit |
Athuri quarter in Jerusalem |
The Israeli authorities |
19_Feb_2005 |
P_ Plans to transfer Tsadik Yaho cave into a huge theater for 480 audiences. This place will contain a hall, a meeting room and Cafe and will be constructed over 9000m�????�???�??�?�² with a cost of NIS 8 millions |
Near Damascus Gate in East Jerusalem |
The Jerusalem center for Development |
20_Feb_2005 |
S_ Military orders to take over 254 dunums of lands in Blocks (4, 6). The wall will extend at a length of 4500m and 30-100m widthFor the Segregation Wall |
Sahel Ramula, Al Hasba and At Tur in Al 'Eizariya town |
The Israeli chief commander |
21_Feb_2005 |
S_ Razing the main road leading to Beir Nabala town opposite to Ar Ram junctionFor the Segregation Wall |
North of Jerusalem city |
The Israeli bulldozers |
22_Feb_2005 |
D_ Demolishing the six-storey residential building (12 apartments) owned by Isam Mustafa Harhash |
Ash Shayyah area southeast of Jerusalem city |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
28_Feb_2005 |
S_ Military orders to confiscate 900 dunums for the Segregation Wall and another 100 dunums to expand the colonial road leading to the wall path at Qalandyia checkpoint |
Jaba' village to the northeast of Jerusalem city |
The Israeli authorities |
Table 19: Israeli violations in Tubas Governorate – February 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
4_Feb_2005 |
S_ Taking over 400 dunums of lands and hedgeding it with barbed wires. Lands belong to: Hamid Sawafta, Muhammad Ahmad Sayil, Husni 'Abed El Karim Sawafta, Deeb Sadiq Sawafta, 'Ali Hussein Sawafta, Suleiman 'Osik Sawafta, Fuad Mer'i and Yousef Abu Naseriya |
Qa'un to the north of Bardala village |
Settlers of Ma'ale Jalbun |
22_Feb_2005 |
O_ Handing warnings to the families to evacuate their houses within few days preparing them for demolition. Tens of families will lose their agricultural lands and properties |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 20: Israeli violations in Jenin Governorate – February 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
13_Feb_2005 |
S_ Military order to confiscate 301 dunums of lands cultivated with Olives which belong to Jabr 'Abed Allah Abu Hatab, Tariq Tawfiq Qabaha, Naser Faris Mas'ud Qabaha, Ibrahim Khalil Qabaha, Rafiq Salem Qabaha, Muhammad Mas'ud Qabaha, 'Abed El Latif Qabaha and Nathmi Muhammad Qabaha. Lands located in Block (20387), Parcels: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
Tura Al Gharbiya village west of Jenin |
The Israeli chief commander Moshe Keplenski |
26_Feb_2005 |
C_ Re-constructing a military checkpoint. This checkpoint was dismantled 6 months ago |
Qaffin junction- Baqa Ash Sharqiya. Click here for related case. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
- Chronology of events during the month of March 2005.
- Table 21: Israeli violations in Qalqiliyia Governorate – March 2005.
- Table 22: Israeli violations in Bethlehem Governorate – March 2005.
- Table 23: Israeli violations in Tubas Governorate – March 2005.
- Table 24: Israeli violations in Salfit Governorate – March 2005.
- Table 25: Israeli violations in Hebron Governorate – March 2005.
- Table 26: Israeli violations in Jerusalem Governorate – March 2005.
- Table 27: Israeli violations in Ramallah Governorate – March 2005.
- Table 28: Israeli violations in Tulkarem Governorate – March 2005.
- Table 29: Israeli violations in Jenin Governorate – March 2005.
- Table 30: Israeli violations in Nablus Governorate – March 2005.
- Table 31: Israeli violations in Jericho Governorate – March 2005.
Table 21: Israeli violations in Qalqiliyia Governorate – March 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
1_Mar_2005 |
S+ U_ Razing vast areas of agricultural lands and uprooted Olive trees. which belong to: Ibrahim El 'Alam, Farid Muqbil, Hamed Deeb Odeh and Zahran 'Abed El Latif Jaber |
Kafr Thulth town east of Qalqiliya. |
The Israeli bulldozers |
1_Mar_2005 |
U_ Uprooting tens of Olive treesowned byAbu Qadus familyFor the Segregation Wall |
South of Mas-ha town in Qalqiliya. Click here for related article. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
8_Mar_2005 |
O_ Hindering Salim 'Abed El Karim Ishtewi and Taysser 'Abed El Latif Hasan from accessing their own lands |
Kfar Qaddum town northeast of Qalqiliya city |
The Israeli settlers of Qadumim |
9_Mar_2005 |
U_ Uprooting several numbers of Olive treesowned byHamid Deeb OdehAt favor of expanding the borders of the outpost. |
Kafr Thulth town east of Qalqiliya. Click here for related articles. |
The Israeli settlers of Al Mattan |
12_Mar_2005 |
O- Hindering farmers from reaching their lands separated behind the Wall whose total area is estimated at 3500 dunums |
Kfar Qadum town in Qalqiliya |
The Israeli settlers of Qadumim |
15_Mar_2005 |
U+R_ Uprooting at least 45 Olive trees for Ahmad Daoud 'Akel and erecting new road around the settlement |
Kafr Qaddum village |
The settlers of Qadumim |
24_Mar_2005 |
S_ Confiscating 224 dunums of lands . Constructing 2.140km long and 100m width Segregation Wall |
Kafr Thulth and 'Azzun villages. Click here for related articles. |
The Israeli authorities |
28_Mar_2005 |
O_ Building a water tank on 30 dunums cultivated with Olives owned by Muhammad Ahmad 'Abed El Karim |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 22: Israeli violations in Bethlehem Governorate – March 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
1_Mar_2005 |
O_ Military order to demolish the house of Muafaq Khalil Mahmoud and another three wells owned by Ibrahim Muhammad Sukar, Othman Manasra and Isaac Manasra |
Wad Fukin village west of Bethlehem. Click here to read previous articles. |
The Israeli bulldozers |
20_Mar_2005 |
S+U_ Continued razing lands and uprooting treesFor the Segregation Wall |
Khallet Hamama and Beir Ouna areas north of Beit Jala city |
The Israeli bulldozers |
21_Mar_2005 |
S_ Razing lands around Bilal Bin Rabah Mosque |
In the north entrance of Bethlehem city near the Islamic directorate |
The Israeli bulldozers |
27_Mar_2005 |
S_ Military warnings to take over more than 40,000 dunums cultivated with Olives, Almonds and Vine trees |
Nahhalin village southwest of Bethlehem. Click here to see map. |
The Israeli authorities |
30_Mar_2005 |
D_ Military warnings to demolishthe houses ofHasan Jacob Da'dou', Jamel Salim Al Balbul, Muhammad Mahmoud Musa, Muhammad Saleh 'Abed El Salam & the two brothers 'Abed and Mahmoud Ahmad 'Abed El Salam, Ibrahim Saleh 'Abed El Salam and barracks of Osama Ahmad Salah |
Umm Rukba in Al Khader village |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
31_Mar_2005 |
D_ Demolishing 6 housesowned byAs'ad Muhammad Isma'il Fawaghreh (Two- storey house), Walid Muhammad Judeh, Ghaleb 'Abed Ziyada, 'Abed Allah Khader Ziyada, Ahmad 'Ali Ziyada and Issa 'Ali Isma'il |
Wad Rahal village to the west of Bethlehem city. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 23: Israeli violations in Tubas Governorate – March 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
1_Mar_2005 |
D_ Destroying tens of vegetable caravans. |
Farmers market east of Tubas city. To access previous articles, clikc here |
The Israeli settlers & The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
19_Mar_2005 |
O_ Hindering the farmers from accessing their lands to harvest their Beans crops |
Wadi El Maleh and Al Farisiya areas in the northern valleys. To access previous articles, clikc here. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 24: Israeli violations in Salfit Governorate – March 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
1_Mar_2005 |
S– Military orders to confiscate 2500 dunums For Wall construction |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
22_Mar_2005 |
S+U- Razing tens of dunums of agricultural lands and uprooting fruitful trees |
Marda-Trans Samaria Highway in Salfit. Click here to access previous articles. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 25: Israeli violations in Hebron Governorate – March 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
2_Mar_2005 |
S_ Three military orders to confiscate 10.677 dunums For the Segregation Wall. |
As Samu', Yatta and Adh Dhahiriya south and southeast of Hebron |
The Israeli chief commander in the West Bank Ya'ir Alof |
2_Mar_2005 |
C- Constructing a new iron gate in Zawiyat Abu Al Rish and another one near the cemetery of Amro family |
Old city of Hebron |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
3_Mar_2005 |
S- Military orders to confiscate 10677 dunum of land For Wall construction |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
3_Mar_2005 |
R- Resuming work in the construction of a new colonial road |
Khallet Wadi Al Hasin in Hebron city |
The Israeli settlers of Qiryat Arba' |
5_Mar_2005 |
S_ Seizing 40 dunums of lands and hedged it with barbed wires owned by Al Jabour and D'abies |
In the eastern entrance of the settlement east of Yatta town to the south of Hebron city |
The Israeli settlers of Susiya |
10_Mar_2005 |
O_ Partially demolishing the house of Abu Najeeb Al Sharabati. |
Old city of Hebron |
The Israeli settlers of Abraham Aveno |
11_Mar_2005 |
O_ Put fire into a Palestinian school. |
Feqaqes village |
The Israeli settlers |
15_Mar_2005 |
O_ Destroying the crops which belong to Fathi Al Razim, Muhammad 'Ali Al Ja'bari, Muhammad Rabe'' Al Ja'bari, Rasim & Khalawi Al Ja'bari |
Wad Al Hussein near the settlement |
The settlers of Qiryat Arba' |
16_Mar_2005 |
O_ Aggressed on the house of Taysser Abu 'Aysha |
Tel Al Rumeida in Hebron city |
The Israeli settlers of Ramat Yashai |
17_Mar_2005 |
D_ Demolished the roof of Al Sharabaty house |
Od city of Hebron |
The Israeli settlers & The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
17_Mar_2005 |
O_ Hindered the landowners from accessing their 70 dunums of landowned byAl Jabour and Al Khalyala |
On the eastern and southern parts of the settlement |
The Israeli settlers of Susiya |
21_Mar_2005 |
U- Uprooting more than 30 Olives, Vines and Figs trees owned by 'Abla Khalil 'Awad Al Ragabi |
North of Yatta town. Click here to access previous articles |
The Israeli settlers |
21_Mar_2005 |
U_ Uprooting hundreds of Olive tress owned bySami Nagi Barath'iya, 'Abed El 'Aziz Sbeih Barath'iya, 'Amir Hadoush and Muhammad 'Abed El Rahman Ghnemat |
West of Surif town to the northwest of Hebron. Click here to read previous articles 1 & 2 |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
21_Mar_2005 |
S_ Razing 4 dunums of pre-confiscated lands owned by Muhammad Abu Rajab to construct a new military road. |
Jabal Jawhar east of Hebron district |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
21_Mar_2005 |
C_ Constructing two gates and hedged the area with barbed wires |
Jamal El Din Al Afaghani Street 20m away from the Ibrahime Mosque |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
24_Mar_2005 |
O- Spreading poisonous material in grazing lands used by Palestinian shepherds causing the death of 8 sheep |
Khirbet Atuwani in Yatta town. |
The Israeli settlers of Giva'at Maon |
24_Mar_2005 |
D- Seizing the first floor of the residential house of the family of Al Jamal and turning it into a military post. As a result, 16 people became hopeless. |
The old city of Hebron |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
25_Mar_2005 |
O- Hindering farmers from reaching their fields whose total areas are estimated at 500 dunums |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) & The Israeli settlers |
27_Mar_2005 |
O- Seizing the house of Mr. Waleed Ash Shuweiki and turning it into a military post |
Tel Rumaida neighborhood in the old city of Hebron. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
29_Mar_2005 |
P_ Plans to construct 43 km part of Segregation Wall |
South of Yatta town between Shumreya and Matsvot Yahuda. |
The Israeli authorities |
Table 26: Israeli violations in Jerusalem Governorate – March 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
1_Mar_2005 |
S– Military orders to confiscate of about 1000 dunums For the construction of the Wall |
Jaba' village in Jerusalem |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
2_Mar_2005 |
S_ Continued razing the lands of 'Awad Samarin cultivated with Figs and Pomegranate |
Silwan town in Jerusalem |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
2_Mar_2005 |
S- Razing lands |
In the western part of Al Hamra field |
The Israeli Al 'Ad society |
4_Mar_2005 |
S_ Military ordersto confiscate 21.2 dunums of landsFor the construction of the Wall |
Ar Ram, Jaba' and Hizma
The Israeli authorities |
9_Mar_2005 |
S_ Military orders to confiscate 26.2 dunums of lands |
Al Barid outskirt |
The Israeli authorities |
9_Mar_2005 |
O- Demolition orders against 50 housing units under the pretext of building without permission |
Athuri quarter in Jerusalem |
The Israeli authorities |
11_Mar_2005 |
D- Demolishing the house of Zuheria Mutawi'a |
Atturi quarter in Jerusalem |
The Israeli authorities |
11_Mar_2005 |
S_ Taking over 41.3 dunums of lands planted with Olives |
As Sawahira Ash Sharqiya and Ash Sheikh Sa'ed villages |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
11_Mar_2005 |
P_ Plans to open new main gates |
Al 'Ezzariya, Abu Dis and As Sawahira |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
11_Mar_2005 |
S_ Confiscating 25 dunums of lands |
Between At Tur and Al 'Ezzarriya in Ras Abu Sebastian |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
11_Mar_2005 |
S_ Confiscating 2 dunumsTo construct private gate for the foreigner tourists |
Ash Shayyah area in Al 'Ezzariya |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
12_Mar_2005 |
O_ Military warning to take over the house of Emad Hasan Abu Rumi |
Al 'Ezzariya town |
The Israeli authorities |
14_Mar_2005 |
P_ Plans to build a temporary fence |
Separating Jerusalem from the West Bank by July |
The Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Moshe Ya'alon |
14_Mar_2005 |
D_ Demolishing two- storey house owned by Subhi Al Turi |
Sameramis area north of Jerusalem city |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
15_Mar_2005 |
P_ Encompass Ma'ale Adumim settlement by the Segregation Wall, whereby Bethlehem city will be divided so that the Jewish Shrine of Rachel's Tomb is to be in the Israeli side |
Jerusalem |
A plan approved by Ariel Sharon the Israeli Prime Minister & by the National Security Council |
15_Mar_2005 |
O_ Order to Isma'il Rasim Al Tamemi to evacuate his house due to its location on a land owned by the state of Israel |
Near the walling wall near Al Aqsa Mosque |
The Israeli court |
21_Mar_2005 |
P_ Plan to construct 3,500 housing units in Ma'ale Adumim settlement. (As part of the E1 plan). |
Jerusalem city |
The Israeli authorities |
22_Mar_2005 |
S_ Confiscating 26.2 dunums |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
23_Mar_2005 |
D_ Demolishing the house of Lutfi Ahmad Siyam. As a result , 12 families are threatened to lose their houses |
Silwan neighborhood |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
23_Mar_2005 |
D_ Demolishing the house Ibrahim Sarhan |
Al Bustan area in Silwan neighborhood |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
25_Mar_2005 |
C_ Constructing part of the Segregation Wall extending from the Franciscan monastery to the Martyr cemetery |
Monasteries area west of Al 'Ezzariya town. Click here for related articles. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
29_Mar_2005 |
S_ Military order to confiscate 170.7 dunums |
Al Jib and Al Nabi Samuel northwest of Jerusalem city |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 27: Israeli violations in Ramallah Governorate – March 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
5_Mar_2005 |
C_ An order to start constructing the Segregation Wall |
Bal'in and Safa villages west of Ramallah city |
The Israeli Supreme court |
7_Mar_2005 |
C_ Starting the construction of the Segregation Wall |
Bil'in village west of Ramallah city in the areas of Qala' Al Namil, Ad Daher and Wa'rit Al Masjed |
The Israeli bulldozers |
8_Mar_2005 |
C_ Continue to construct the Segregation Wall |
Beit Liqya, Saffa, Betuniya, Budrus, Deir Qides, Bi'lin, Ni'lin and Al Midya village |
The Israeli troops |
18_Mar_2005 |
O_ Aggressing on the springs and the 350 dunums of lands |
Spring's area between the villages of Al Nabi Saleh and Deir Nizam north of Ramallah |
The Israeli settlers of Halmesh |
22_Mar_2005 |
P_ Plans to erect a bypass road connecting Ramallah with Bethlehem |
The Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon |
29_Mar_2005 |
C_ Constructing the second part of the Segregation Wall |
Safa village to the west of Ramallah district. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 28: Israeli violations in Tulkarem Governorate – March 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
10_Mar_2005 |
D_ Demolishing the house of 'Abed El Latif Abu Khalil |
Al Nazla Al Wasta village near Baqa Ash Sharqiya. |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
11_Mar_2005 |
P_ Decision to take over 603 dunums of lands |
The Israeli authorities |
13_Mar_2005 |
O- Seizing 8 houses turning them into military garrisons |
'Atil village in Tulkarm |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
19_Mar_2005 |
O- Seizing 2 houses turning them into military barracks |
'Alar & Saida villages |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 29: Israeli violations in Jenin Governorate -March 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
1_Mar_2005 |
D– Destroying vegetable stalls belonging to a number of farmers |
Bardala village in Jenin |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
15_Mar_2005 |
C- Erecting a new checkpoint |
At the entrance to Zababda in Jenin district |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
16_Mar_2005 |
S_ Military orders to confiscate 170 dunums of lands |
Tura Al Gharbiya |
The Israeli authorities |
19_Mar_2005 |
D_ Military warnings to demolish the houses of Muhammad Hashim Zeid, Yahya Yasin Zeid and Bilal Mustafa Zeid |
Tura Ash Sharqiya near the Armistice line |
The Israeli authorities |
19_Mar_2005 |
O- Seizing two houses and turning them into military posts |
Kafr- Ra'I village |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Table 30: Israeli violations in Nablus Governorate – March 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
12_Mar_2005 |
S_ Military order to confiscate 160 dunumsand belong to: Muhammad Hussein 'Awad, 'Ali 'Abed Allah 'Awad, Suleiman Yousef Omran, Mustafa Salim Muhammad Hasan, Mustafa & 'Abed El Badi Shehada 'Abed El Rahman,Sakena Muhammad 'Abed El Hadi, Sameh Nasoh 'Abed El Hadi, Maria Muhammad 'Abed El Hadi, 'A'isha Muhammad 'Abed El Hadi, Mefleh & Faleh Hussein 'Abed Abu Hasan |
Deir El Hatab east of Nablus city |
The Israeli chief commander Ya'er Nave |
Table 31: Israeli violations in Jericho Governorate – March 2005.
Date |
Violation |
Location |
Violators |
16_Mar_2005 |
O_ Hindering the landowners from accessing their 650 dunums cultivated with wheat and Barley |
Al 'Auja town north of Jericho city. Click here to access previous articles |
The Israeli Forces (IOF) |
Source: compiled from local newspapers, interviews and field survey.
S = Seizure; i.e. confiscation, eviction, occupation and any sort of asset grabbing
E = Expansion; i.e. any increase in land occupied by Israelis.
C = Construction; i.e. any increase in Israeli built-up areas.
R = Roads; i.e. any increase in the road network.
D = Demolition; i.e. any destruction of Palestinian assets.
U = Uprooting, Destroying, Spraying trees.
P = Plans
O = Other.
Prepared by:
The Applied Research Institute – Jerusalem
Land Research Center – Jerusalem