Five Stop-work Notifications in Huwwara -Nablus Governorate

Five Stop-work Notifications in Huwwara -Nablus Governorate
Violation: serving five stop-work notifications in Huwwara.
Perpetrators: the Israeli Occupation Civil Administration – Inspection Subcommittee.
Victims: five households in Huwwara.
Date: June 16, 2011.
 Anew Israeli crime against humanity and against the Palestinians right to adequate housing and the right to live decently and in dignity has been committed on June 16, 2011. Five families in Huwwara were served stop-work orders issued against residential and agricultural structures they own.
The orders were based on the pretext of having not acquired the appropriate construction ‘permits’ in areas classified ‘C’ according to Oslo Interim Agreement. The residential structures have been targeted with similar orders 4 years earlier. The Israelis gave the owners a respite till July 6 to return to the status quo; July 6, 2011, is the date of the hearing session to be held in Beit El military Court where the owners can defend their cases.
Victims of the recent aggression:
Family members
Children (under 18)
Jameel Odeh
One storey (plus a basement), residential, inhabited
Fuad Odeh
Two stories, residential
Azzam Odeh
One storey (plus a basement), residential, inhabited
Arafat Odeh
Under construction garages
Tafiq Demeri
Two stories, residential, inhabited

Picture 1-3
Huwwara – and overview:
Huwwara is located 8 km to the south of Nablus, edging by-pass road ’60’ (also known as ‘death route’ because of the large number of accidents that occurred there). Huwwara Municipality tried in vain to fix the road and add some traffic signs but their efforts were denied by the Israelis.
Huwwara is inhabited by 5570 people, 3% of the population are refugees. Its total area is 8520 dunums (1 dunum = 1000 m2) including 1116 dunums of built-up area. Yizhar colony is built over Huwwara; the colony took over 331 dunums of the village lands; in addition, the village lost more than 430 dunums for the milling of by-pass road ’60’.


Categories: Military Orders